
The annual output value of the voice biometric industry will approach 5 billion US dollars in 2024

Tractica, a market research company, estimates that the annual value of the voice biometrics industry will approach $5 billion in 2024. Applications include border checkpoints, health care, credit card payments, and wearable devices. CBInsights statistics show that at least 45 start-up companies are currently developing voice recognition, self-driving related chips, at least five of which have raised more than 100 million US dollars of funds.

The Amazon Alexa Cloud Digital Assistant will have voiceprint recognition in the future to confirm user identity. For example, the user can set and only own voice ID (VoiceID) can start the credit card shopping function. Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos revealed during the interview that the exclusive development team of Echo smart speaker and Alexa cloud digital assistant has reached thousands of people and has spent nearly four years of hard work before the service goes online.

According to CTA, sales volume of voice-activated smart speakers (including Amazon Echo and GoogleHome) increased by 279% annually in 2017. It is estimated that this year the market will increase by 60% to 43.6 million units and sales will increase by 93% to US$3.8 billion. . At the same time, the sales volume of US connected devices will also increase by 6.6% year-on-year to 715 million units in 2018.

However, a research report released by HSBC in May last year pointed out that less than 50% (46%) of the respondents believed that fingerprint recognition can replace passwords, and the proportion of people who trust iris recognition is only 26%. Among them, 70% of respondents rely on traditional passwords for identification, which is much higher than fingerprint recognition (21%) and voiceprint recognition (6%).

According to foreign media reports, the confidential documents provided by Snoopy, the US National Security Agency (NSA) indictor, showed that the NSA confidential memorandum in January 2006 showed that US intelligence agencies had voiceprint identification technology at the time and could be used to monitor terrorists and politics. Characters, drug addicts, spies, and own employees. Although the outside world knows that the NSA is relying on fingerprints and facial recognition technology to find out the target of locking, the internal documents in 2008 show that voiceprint recognition is the most powerful place for this unit.

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