
Shandong Shipbuilding Industry Accelerates Smart Manufacturing to Handle Smart Manufacturing "National Team"

"To adapt to the current ERP system, we need to spend a lot of manpower and use very painful. Can your intelligent manufacturing program be customized?" A few days ago, at the Shandong Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing Symposium, Weihai Sanjin Guo Lianzheng, Minister of Technology of China Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd., raised this issue with experts from the 11th Institute of China National Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the 11th institute"). Sanjin used to be a Korean company and had some experience in smart manufacturing. After receiving the shipyard from South Korea, Guo Lianzhen’s team found that the current level of the company was not able to adapt well to the original system. The road to transformation is not easy.

The eleventh party undertook the research task of ship intelligent manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and has the title of “national team” in the field of smart manufacturing of shipbuilding industry. At the symposium, 20 key shipbuilding enterprises in the province communicated with the “national team” on site. The Shandong Provincial Department of National Defense Engineering also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Eleventh Institute. The latter will provide intelligent manufacturing for key shipbuilding enterprises in the province. Consultation services and technical support in the areas of green manufacturing, etc. The research results are given priority in the demonstration and application of enterprises in our province, and give preferential technical and product policies for provincial enterprises in our province. Dong Wenzhao, Director of the Shipping Division of the Provincial Department of National Defense Science and Technology, told reporters that in recent years, the Shandong shipbuilding industry has generally maintained a steady and relatively fast development, with economic benefits ranking among the top in the country, and local shipbuilding companies such as the Beijing Lu ship industry have continued to flash; but the same domestic Compared with the advanced level, there is still a significant gap in the ship's R&D and design, production efficiency, management level, and supporting capabilities. In particular, the promotion of intelligent shipbuilding has only just begun.

It is understood that last year the Provincial Department of National Defense and the Provincial Department of Finance in the military-civilian combination of special funds for industrial development specifically proposed to support the ship's smart manufacturing, but near the end of the year, so far no one company to declare the funds.

“On the one hand, smart manufacturing in the shipbuilding industry is a discrete type of intelligent manufacturing, and it is difficult. Other projects in the equipment manufacturing industry are not comfortable with this industry.” Dong Wenzhao also revealed that the domestic shipping market has been in a state of failure in recent years. Change, the company orders not much, further limiting the pace of intelligent transformation. However, many companies have reported that upgrading smart manufacturing has reached a point of "hesitation can't be done." A person in charge of the company told reporters that manual operations such as cutting, welding, and painting are common, and it is difficult to recruit workers for 180-200 yuan a day. Some companies have also reported that in the previous environmental inspections, production was stopped due to unsatisfactory exhaust emissions from paint houses. They realized that smart manufacturing became a necessary tool, whether it was improving quality and efficiency or responding to more stringent safety and environmental protection requirements. The reason why it was not reported was because of the lack of concept of how to carry out smart manufacturing. It is understood that only Qingdao Beichuan Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. of our province jointly launched the “Ship Segment Smart Painting Workshop” project in conjunction with Shanghai Jiaotong University, the 716th Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry and Chongqing Changjiang Coating Equipment Co., Ltd. in July last year. The conditions of its own facilities focus on smart manufacturing, and there are no phased results.

According to the “Implementation Opinions on Speeding Up the Transformation and Upgrading of Shipbuilding Industry in Shandong Province” issued in August last year, our province will establish a shipbuilding enterprise intelligent manufacturing project library in the province. The Provincial Department of National Defense Science and Technology will also set up a liaison and communication mechanism with the Eleventh Institute to organize periodical and informal seminars on the development of the shipbuilding industry. Crowdfunding will solve the difficulties and problems existing in the process of intelligent shipbuilding in our province.

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