
3D Printing Technology Shows Its Subversive Advantage Makes Personalized Manufacturing of Future Cars Possible

A few days ago, the market research company AlliedMarketResearch released a report on the automotive industry's 3D printing market report. The report pointed out that by 2022, the global auto industry's 3D printing market will reach $2.391 billion. During the forecast period, Europe will become the major market, followed by Asia Pacific and North America.

The use of 3D printing technology by car companies is mainly based on the application of new car models and tools. In the increasingly fierce competition in the auto market, auto companies have started to search for new technologies to reduce the cost and efficiency of material breakthroughs. Therefore, more and more car companies have begun to adopt 3D printing technology to reduce the cost of research and development and innovation. IDC stated in its "World Semi-annual 3D Printing Consumer Guidebook" published in early 2017 that the 3D printing applications that generate most of the revenue are concentrated in the industrial 3D printing field. For example, in 2016, automotive design and rapid prototyping printing contributed the most important revenue (more than $3.9 billion).

3D printing is a popular term that is more easily understood by the general public. In industrial terminology, 3D printing is called "additive manufacturing technology" - it corresponds to the traditional "manufacture of reduced material." 3D printing technology greatly reduces the manufacturing complexity. This digital manufacturing model does not require complicated processes, large machine tools, and numerous manpower to produce parts of any shape, allowing manufacturing to extend to a wider range of production.

Compared with the traditional technology, the traditional machining manufacturing is suitable for large-scale, mass-produced components, and is widely used in almost all areas; currently 3D printing is suitable for small-volume, complex-shaped non-functional components, mostly in In the automotive, aerospace and other fields for the production of prototypes and molds. From the use of materials, the traditional machining can use almost any material; 3D printing technology currently used materials are mostly plastic, photosensitive resin and metal powder and other materials, subject to more. The technical advantage lies in the fact that the material utilization rate exceeds 95% or more, almost no scrap is generated, and it is suitable for complex structures and the like.

In the manufacturing process, 3D printing technology shows its own subversive advantages:

Shape complexity. Traditional machinery manufacturing is based on the combination of cutting, drilling, milling, grinding, casting, and forging, and other basic manufacturing processes for reducing materials. 3D printing technology is a one-piece molding technology that uses a “layered manufacturing, layer by layer” process. Almost arbitrarily complex shapes, as long as they are designed in 3D design software, can be manufactured using 3D printing technology.

Level of complexity. The traditional processing technology is difficult to achieve multi-scale (macro, dielectric, microscopic), and 3D printing technology can achieve such as atomic printing, cell printing and so on.

Functional complexity. For parts with complex structures, 3D printing technology can realize integral printing and forming, avoiding the quality increase and potential quality defects caused by welding forming after dismantling a complex part, and even eliminating the assembly of complex parts. Applying to automotive components not only reduces weight, but also reduces assembly time and changes component attachment defects.

As shown in the following figure, General Electric successfully completed the test of its new-generation turboprop engine (ATP). The engine consists of only 12 individual parts (more than 1/3 is printed with titanium 3D), which is significantly reduced compared to the original 855 parts, so the weight is reduced by 5%, the fuel efficiency is increased by 20%, and the power is increased. At 10%, maintenance is also easier.

3D printing directly transforms the virtualized digital solid model into a product, which greatly simplifies the production process, reduces research and development costs, shortens the development cycle, makes the production of arbitrarily complex structural parts possible, and advances the design of functionally oriented products. effect.

The automotive industry is facing profound changes. For example, traditional internal-combustion vehicles are shifting toward clean-energy vehicles such as pure electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and hydrogen fuel-powered battery vehicles. At the same time, the combination of automobiles and intelligent network-connected technologies is becoming more and more compact. With the development of the “four modernizations” of automobiles, the appearance, interiors, and structures of automobiles have changed, and this process is accelerating. These changes are often innovative, personalized, small-batch, and this situation requires the use of 3D printing technology to provide adequate support and help.

At present, 3D printing technology is mainly used in cars as a new car model. The reason for not producing energy is because:

1, 3D printing technology is subject to the performance of the material, the current material properties are not stable enough, and the generality of the material is relatively poor.

2, high cost, industrial-grade 3D printer acquisition costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to tens of millions of yuan, the application of high cost is the current application of 3D printing technology and industrial development, a major bottleneck.

3, parts from the design and production to the application is not a person can do it, the need for auto parts designers, material R & D personnel, 3D designers and other teams can work together to complete, and for different parts of the car used in the material is not the same .

3D printing applications need to solve the R&D and production of key components in automotive manufacturing while reducing costs. In December 2017, 11 departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Action Plan for the Development of Additive Manufacturing Industry (2017-2020). The action plan clearly states that by 2020, the annual sales revenue of the additive manufacturing industry in China will exceed RMB 20 billion. The growth rate is more than 30%; in the new automobile design and trial production phase, additive-free manufacturing technology is used to achieve moldless design and manufacturing, shortening the development cycle. The use of additive manufacturing technology has been integrated to form complex, key components and light weight; key core technologies in key links of industrial chains such as special materials and process equipment have been developed simultaneously with the international market, and some fields have reached the international advanced level. Through the “Additive Manufacturing and Laser Manufacturing” national key R&D program to support the development of additive manufacturing process technologies, equipment and key parts and components that meet the conditions, the study will include the eligible additive manufacturing into the “Science and Technology Innovation 2030- Major Project” support. range. The eligible additive manufacturing equipment will be included in the first set of major technical equipment insurance compensation policies, and more support will be given.

With the development of new materials, industrial cooperation, national policy support, and the application of 3D printing technology are just around the corner for mass production of automotive parts. But the development of 3D printing technology is not just that. When the plastic brother remembers talking to the automotive industry expert Mr. Chen Guangzu about 3D printed parts in 2015, Chen Lao said: 3D printing makes it possible to personalize future car manufacture. All parts of the car can be individually designed and then assembled by 3D printing. Because they are not made with the same mold, there is an infinite space for design imagination.

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