
2018 becomes an important window of time, the future of new energy automobile market competition is even more intense

As technology and product quality continue to increase, consumers are increasingly adopting new energy vehicles.

According to data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers recently, in 2017, the production and sales of China's new energy vehicles were close to 800,000, which represented a year-on-year increase of more than 53%. The market share increased by 0.9% from the previous year. It is expected that sales of new energy vehicles in China will reach 2018. The growth will reach 40%, and the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 1 million.

This great news has attracted more car companies to join, and it also indicates that 2018 has become an important time window for the development of new energy vehicles. In the future, the market will be more competitive and the industry concentration will be even higher.

Car market growth new energy vehicle contribution nearly half

According to statistics released by industry agencies, the growth of the passenger vehicle market in 2017 was at a low level, but new energy vehicles have risen suddenly.

In December 2017, the country's passenger car market was initially estimated to retail 2.74 million units, an increase of 11% from November, and it was at the lower end of the 10% to 20% growth rate for the calendar year; it was up 1% year-on-year in December 2017 and was at a low level of annual growth rate. . At the same time, the annual growth rate of passenger vehicle retail sales in 2017 is only 1.5%, which is far below the previous 7% growth rate.

While the overall auto market is in a downturn, new energy vehicles have become a growth engine. According to statistics from the CLUCC, new energy vehicles contribute nearly half to the steady growth of the auto market in 2017, and the annual increase has reached more than 200,000 units. In December 2017, the sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 100,000 vehicles and achieved continuous growth throughout the year.

Analyze the reason, on the one hand because the technology and product quality that improve constantly have increased consumer's acceptance of new energy car. With no significant increase in battery costs, the mileage of new energy vehicles has gradually increased from the earliest 120 kilometers to 200 kilometers to 300 kilometers, and the mileage of some new energy vehicles listed in 2017 has even exceeded the 400 kilometers mark. . At the same time, with the continuous increase in the market size, the level of charging piles, after-sales service and other aspects are also constantly improving, coupled with more and more beautiful appearance of products, people will increasingly recognize new energy vehicles. On the other hand, it is the result of strong policy promotion. With the purchase of new energy vehicles by consumers continuing to exempt from purchase tax, the implementation of double-point management, the number of car shakes, and the introduction of new energy vehicles free parking fees and tolls in some places, the development of new energy industries has entered the fast lane.

A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission released a solicitation of opinions on the smart car innovation development strategy. It is planned that the proportion of new smart car vehicles will reach 50% by 2020, and by 2035 it will be the first to build a smart car powerhouse on a global scale. This policy has greatly promoted the development of the new energy automotive industry.

Independent brands increase capital and technology investment

Against the background of the market going higher, more independent emerging companies are entering the field of new energy vehicle manufacturing.

At the just-concluded CES (Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show) in the United States, Xiaopeng Motors released a new brand of new energy smart SUVs. At the same time, the construction of the Hubei Xinghui New Energy Smart Vehicle Industrial Park invested and constructed by Weimar Automobile laid the foundation for the planned annual production capacity of 300,000 vehicles. Singularity vehicles and promising vehicles are also actively promoting the mass production vehicles to market. Previously, Weilai Automobile has introduced the ES8, the first new energy intelligent production model.

Many traditional independent brands have also intensified their efforts in the new energy automotive business.

Beiqi New Energy Co., Ltd. recently stated that BAIC New Energy planned the issues in 2018 including channels, ecology, resource integration, strategy preemption, branding and many other aspects.

FAW Group recently released a new Hongqi strategy. New energy and intelligence have become the focus of this.

Dongfeng Motor also plans to make greater improvements in the product layout, technology research and development, and industrialization base construction of new energy vehicles.

After JAC Motors has partnered with Weilai to marry the public, in 2018, the three forces will go hand in hand to gradually form the "Jianghuai System" layout of new energy vehicles.

Insisting on the concept of “new high-end” positioning, we have formulated a “two-step-by-simultaneous” product plan: The first step is to launch the electric version of the existing platform in 2018 to solve the problems; the second step is to develop a new GEV at the same time. New energy smart car platform.

Liu Liang, the CEO of Guanzhi Automobile, stated that Guanzhi had made plans for new energy vehicles from the very beginning of its establishment, and the entry of Baoneng allowed Guanzhi to accelerate into the new energy automobile track.

For the development of new energy automobile industry, it is also beneficial at the national policy level. The National Development and Reform Commission recently stated that it will guide social capital and financial capital in the future and increase support for new energy smart cars. Encourage innovative enterprises with technological characteristics to participate in the development of new energy smart cars. At the same time, enterprises are encouraged to create brands with international influence through various means such as international cooperation, joint development, and equity investment. Support enterprises to accelerate the layout of overseas markets through cross-border mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and cooperation, and encourage foreign companies to actively participate in the development of China's new energy intelligent automotive industry.

"The new joint venture boom" quietly rises

Driven by huge market attraction and related policies, a new wave of joint ventures between multinational companies and domestic auto companies to jointly build new energy auto companies is emerging.

Some time ago, the Renault-Nissan Alliance and Brilliance Automotive have reached an agreement to jointly build a new energy vehicle company. In the first half of 2017, Jianghuai Automobile and German Volkswagen formally established a joint venture company to produce new energy automotive products, and plans to launch the first pure electric vehicle product in 2018. In November 2017, Ford Motor Co., Ltd. and Zotye Automobile also announced the formation of a joint venture to create a series of economical pure electric passenger vehicle products. As early as 2010, Daimler Group and BYD Automobile jointly established Tengshi Automobile Co., Ltd. to produce new energy pure electric vehicle products.

Toyota Motor also recently stated that Toyota has already started discussions with its partners, FAW and GAC on domestically produced electric vehicles, and will introduce Toyota pure electric vehicles to the Chinese market in 2020. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. announced that it will launch an exclusive electric car tailor-made for the Chinese market in 2018. GM announced that it will introduce 10 models of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles in China by 2020, with annual sales reaching 150,000 units. Ford plans to launch 13 electric vehicles by 2020, and 70% of the models sold in China will be new energy vehicles.

Luo Lei, deputy secretary-general of the China Automobile Dealers Association, said that China is the world's largest auto market, and the new energy auto industry has gradually become a major trend in the development of China's auto industry. In this context, the joint venture intention of foreign-funded enterprises is getting stronger.

Some experts said that with the continuous enrichment of joint-venture brands of new energy vehicles, the original energy consumption of the new energy vehicle market will continue to usher in major changes. Independent brands and joint venture brand new energy vehicles will surely usher in new competition challenges.

Tianfeng Securities analysis believes that competition in the new energy automobile industry will gradually increase in the future, and high-end shortages and low-end excesses will become the main contradiction in the industry. Subsequent growth will come from increased internal concentration. In this process, leading companies in terms of products, quality, and cost will gain competitive advantage.

Luo Lei said that the entry of joint ventures and emerging companies will inevitably change the pattern of the existing new energy vehicle market, and market competition pressure will further increase. But this will also fully stimulate healthy competition and better promote the progress of independent brands.

Many insiders said that the intensification of competition will promote more mature technology, R&D costs will gradually decrease, allowing companies to focus on technological improvements and lower prices, so that China's new energy vehicles truly form a healthy growth. At the same time, such a diversified development model gives local brands the opportunity to compete with international brand products, and can even become a springboard for Chinese auto brands to go global.

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