
"Wisdom" serves the public life and helps the development of artificial intelligence


From December 3 to 5, 2017, the Fourth World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. At this conference, artificial intelligence is undoubtedly one of the hottest topics. Today, the antenna of intelligent robots has reached more and more service industries. According to the “Shanxi Daily” report, 12 robot instructors were recently introduced to a driving school in Zhangzhou City in the province for driving training. This robot is no longer as cranky as the previous driving school coach, and the safety factor is quite high. Generally welcome.


Helping economic development

The annual World Conference on the Internet was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. Both the conference itself and the gossip between the Internet cafes have become talked about. Behind the hot discussion of the web conference is the new round of global science and technology revolution and accelerating industrial change, especially in the areas of cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, which have achieved major technological breakthroughs and accelerated the penetration of integration into all sectors of the economy and society. It has become an important trend in economic and social development.

Focus on the development of smart economy. Smart economy has a leading role in high-tech integrated application, integration of technological innovation, and upgrading of traditional industries. The smart economy is becoming the main driving force for the new round of global economic growth. In today's critical period of the development of smart technology, which has entered full penetration, cross-border integration and accelerated innovation, whoever can take the lead in the development of smart economy will win the initiative in the future. As a traditional inland province, Shanxi should closely follow the pulse of the times, accelerate the innovation of intelligent products in key areas, and accelerate the development of smart industries. Smart companies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, mobile Internet, and smart manufacturing are making great efforts. The next step is to provide new ideas for seeking new and old kinetic energy to succeed the industry.

Fully promote intelligent applications. In the information age, thanks to the support of smart data and modern information technology, people’s demand for smart phones, smart cars, and smart homes is also growing. Promoting the development of smart applications has become an important direction for future development. In the fields of urban management and government services, the promotion of a smart government service can promote the government service service to “run more information and run less people” and realize the change from a governance of the government to a precise governance. In the field of medical services, intelligent diagnosis and treatment systems can help In order to solve the structural imbalance of doctors and patients' resources, the rapid and accurate medical care can benefit the public more quickly. In the field of transportation, companies such as Gaode and Baidu use artificial intelligence to realize real-time navigation services to make road traffic information more accessible...

Actively build an intelligent development and innovation system. For Shanxi, to promote the rapid development of the field of intelligence, change the train of thought is fundamental, not only to break the "short-sighted" but also to understand the situation, we must pay attention to "intellectual wisdom" but also pay attention to "education", "citizen" and "education" Body" Both hands must be hard. As far as "cited wisdom" is concerned, talents in the key technical fields and the frontiers of basic theoretical research should not only attract but also retain talents. The introduction of "intellectual wisdom" is not only an introduction, but also the introduction of related technology research and development in the field of intelligence. Marketing platform. In terms of “education”, the service system of “create space + incubator + accelerator” was established to activate social resources such as enterprises, universities, and research institutes; try to combine smart industry with smart cities, new urbanization, and beautiful rural construction. Promote the development of industry cross-border integration; focus on promoting popular entrepreneurship, innovation, and building a "double-invasive" platform in the field of smart industry.

Serving the public life

When it comes to artificial intelligence, what do you think of? Marvel's intelligent hero vision, Silicon Valley IT strange people's smart assistant, or defeated the world's Go champion Alpha dog. Perhaps, in the eyes of some, artificial intelligence is a scientific concept that is far away from our lives. It is a cutting-edge technology that belongs to movies and laboratories. However, it is not. In the near future, with the development of the Internet, big data, hardware, software optimization, and even the participation of the whole society, artificial intelligence will gradually penetrate into all walks of life and enter the homes of ordinary people at a faster pace.

Artificial intelligence will produce more humane products for the general public. The accumulation of big data, the innovation of theoretical algorithms, the improvement of computing power, and the evolution of network facilities have driven the development of artificial intelligence into a new stage, providing people with a variety of more humanized products. For example, Alibaba Cloud’s new generation of artificial intelligence products, ET, was introduced into the “hungry” take-out meal delivery as a dispatcher, familiar with the speed of meals in 1 million restaurants across the country, the speed of over 1.8 million riders, and the speed of each customer. Building mealtimes, even haze and other bad weather will affect the speed of the meal and the rider's riding speed will be included in the calculation, to achieve a greater degree of smart dispatch and efficiency is optimal; Ant gold suit, successfully opened Alipay people Face registration and facial payment functions, face recognition technology is widely used in financial transactions and other daily applications; JD JIMI, smart customer service products synthesized through natural language processing, deep neural networks, machine learning, user portraits, etc., all weather Respond to user questions intermittently; HKUST’s smart loudspeakers jointly launched by JD.com can intelligently control televisions, air conditioners, curtains and other household items with only master voice control... artificial intelligence products have entered millions of households and continue to meet People's growing needs for a better life.

Artificial intelligence will provide more diverse services to the public. Previous Internet technologies can only solve problems from the demand side. For example, patients can be consulted and consulted through online appointment registration and video consultation. Now, through the artificial intelligence medical image-assisted diagnosis system, the computer can intelligently identify the patient's image data, assist doctors in improving treatment programs, and change the status quo of the lack of medical technicians at the primary level, thereby solving the supply-side problem. For example, Tencent established the "Artificial Intelligence Medical Joint Laboratory" at Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital to assist doctors in the diagnosis and early screening of certain diseases; the fatigue driving identification system developed by Baidu will enable people to travel more safely; we use the drops Drop APP, etc., is entirely the result of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence gradually penetrates into all walks of life and provides people with more high-quality and diversified life services.

"All of us will embrace artificial intelligence!" At the Fourth World Internet Conference, leading figures such as Li Yanhong and Lei Jun all chose to embrace the enthusiastic vocabulary to express their expectations for artificial intelligence. Although artificial intelligence is still in its early stages of development and faces many risks and challenges, in the future world, it will become an important force in the new round of technological industrial revolution, promote social progress, and make our lives better.



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