
The express delivery industry calls for smart manufacturing to "renovate" to stimulate the development of smart supply chain

The smart supply chain has five major advantages: First, it can provide transparent data links, full visibility of the supply chain process data, and second, it can help realize supply chain service innovation based on customer experience; Third, it can support multi-platform development and help enterprises. Have an international perspective...

"Made in China 2025" has received more and more attention since it was first proposed in December 2014. The direction of upgrading of China's manufacturing industry is: Industry 4.0: Internet + Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 drives a new round of industrial revolution. Features are interconnected.

Although the current "Made in China 2025" and "Industry 4.0" have become the hot words for people's business development, there is still a long way to go for the express delivery industry.

The express delivery industry calls for smart manufacturing to "renovate"

“How many people and friends at the scene work in private courier companies? How many people are willing to work in private courier companies?” — There are few show-callers. On January 13, at the Tsinghua University China Manufacturing and Logistics Industry Summit Forum, Mr. Xiang Feng, Vice President of Yuantong made such a small survey. Most of the participants in the conference are Tsinghua University, and professors, teachers, and students from the Department of Industrial Engineering of colleges and universities across the country. The lack of talents in intelligent manufacturing of private express delivery companies can be seen from this.

Although our express delivery volume has grown from 5.7 billion to 40.1 billion pieces in five years, we have ranked No. 1 in the world for four consecutive years, and the parcel delivery volume exceeds developed economies such as the United States, Japan and Europe, and contribute more than 50% to the world's growth. However, China is still not a strong country for express delivery. No single private express delivery company has a strong or independent, professional industrial engineering research department. How to make China's express delivery companies catch up with China's smart manufacturing, and China's manufacturing of 2025, the industry's 4.0 east wind to become the entire express delivery industry must consider.

At present, China's express delivery industry is still in the stage of mechanization automation. During the “Double 11” period in 2017, major private express delivery companies started to automate sorting equipment in Gamar in order to cope with the peak period of business, opening a new “machine substitution” journey. The "Double 11" of the past years has become the test field for new models and new technologies for express delivery and logistics companies. Informatization, automation, greenization, and internationalization have become the common choices of the E-commerce era express delivery companies.

With the development of the manufacturing industry, the division of labor continues to be refined, and express delivery companies are constantly “opening up and down the flow, forming an industrial chain, drawing great concentric circles, and constructing an eco-sphere”. From a single focus on their core competencies, they are beginning to put themselves in A link in the supply chain. The market competition that the express delivery companies are in is no longer just the competition among express delivery companies, but the competition between supply chain and supply chain. In order to win the market, in addition to constantly improving their core competitiveness, express delivery companies must also strengthen their collaboration or integration with upstream and downstream companies in order to increase the efficiency of the entire supply chain and improve the quality of final products and customer service. Continue to gain competitive advantage.

Smart Manufacturing Inspires Smart Supply Chain Development

In the context of technology upgrades and consumer upgrades, China's e-commerce has entered a new retail, all-channel era. This makes our express delivery companies face more difficulties and challenges. On the one hand, express delivery companies must meet the new requirements that consumers are faster, more convenient, and have better service attitudes. They must also deal with challenges such as self-built logistics and third-party logistics of e-commerce companies such as JD.com, as well as directly dealing with international giants. Other cross-border business competition. In addition, in the transformation and upgrading of “machine substitution”, express delivery companies must invest more financial resources and technical R&D efforts to update and upgrade their automation and intelligent equipment.

But for express delivery companies, not using automation equipment means improving their efficiency. The supply chain is based on customer needs, with the goal of improving quality and efficiency, and integrating resources as a means to achieve efficient, coordinated organizational forms such as product design, procurement, production, sales, and service. Nor is it true that companies can increase supply chain efficiency by investing in automation equipment.

Professor Zheng Li of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tsinghua University stated at the meeting that the Industrial Revolution has created tremendous productivity and has caused tremendous changes in the social landscape. The industrial revolution has also brought a lot of digital waste while improving the efficiency of factories. When the enterprise applies automation equipment, it also needs to consider whether there is any new waste for automation for the workers and users. Is it really convenient? Is it really lean and flexible?

Tang Jie, chairman of Fenglian Group, shared the impact of smart manufacturing on the logistics industry from the perspective of fresh cold chain. Nowadays, the demand for customer scenarios is smashing the reconstruction of fresh logistics, and the formation of production-concentrated direct mining/wholesalers - large-area warehouses - pre-warehouses - family scenes/office scenes/on-road/shopping experiences - The user's supply chain process. The future regional warehouse + pre-position warehouse + full-text warehouse allocation will achieve full coverage of customer scenarios. The formation of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and unmanned aerial vehicles will create a smart supply chain revolution.

Zhang Mang, general manager of the Best Supply Chain Division stated at the meeting that with the development of omni-channel/new retail, as well as rising costs of land, labor, and operational materials, enterprises and society need a smarter supply chain. To provide more agile and flexible supply chain services to efficiently use resources to meet customer experience while reducing costs.

Zhang Mange expressed that the smart supply chain has five major advantages: First, it can provide transparent data links, full visibility of the supply chain process data, and secondly, it contributes to the realization of supply chain service innovation based on customer experience; Third, it can support multiple platforms. Expanding and helping enterprises have an international vision. Fourth, through the analysis of big data, they can lead the optimization of supply chain layout and increase the efficiency of the supply chain. Fifth, the smart supply chain can provide forward-looking support for sales and market decisions.

On October 13, 2017, the State Council issued the "Guideline for the Active Promotion of Innovation and Application of Supply Chains by the General Office of the State Council," and the new policies on the supply chain formed. Express companies engaged in supply chain services and research have gradually become an important direction for their development. For example, when Best Express launched its listing, it repeatedly emphasized its “supply chain” features. After independence, Jingdong Logistics also highlighted the “supply chain services” it can provide. . For the express companies that need to expand the moat after the listing, "smart supply chain" may be a good choice.

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