
Where does the long and short industrial “machine substitution” of Jinan robotics go?

On the 13th, in the office of Aosheng Building in Jinan Hi-tech Zone, Fan Yongzheng played with a newly developed robot dog. Like a real dog, it can run, bounce, roll and identify its owner. However, Fan Yong, who is a leading talent in Shandong's Taishan industry and Jinan 5150 talent, is still unsatisfied with it.

Under the tide of "machine substitution", from industrial robots to commercial robots to home service robots, there is a robot guardianship. It is not a dream, but an increasingly imminent reality. Fan Yong is the person in charge of Shandong Youbaote Intelligent Robot Co., Ltd. He does not know who is the smart service robot in addition to himself.

Indeed, in addition to industrial robots, the robotics industry in Jinan has opened up a gap compared to the forerunner cities, but everything is possible...

[Gap] Service robot Jinan has a short board

Fan Yong's recently developed robot dog is indeed like a real dog. If you are its owner, touching his head with his hand, it will be very clever; if you are not the owner, it will be very "strong."

“The biggest feature of this dog is that it is more bionic and intelligent than the average robot dog. It is at the leading level in the country.” However, Fan Yong is not satisfied: “Many places need to be optimized, for example, to enable it to have deep learning ability. After buying it back, it can continue to evolve new features through self-study."

In fact, this is not Fan Yong's self-request. It is actually the consumer's demand for service robots is increasing day by day.

“From a technical point of view, robots have no problem with collecting cutlery, washing dishes, or even cooking.” Fan Yong said, but if it is in the home, it is a set of equipment similar to the industrial production line, only for cooking, Wash bowls, consumers can not accept, people like robots that can be like a family member, small and beautiful, "in this sense, the robot application may first from the industrial field to the commercial field, and finally into the personal consumption field such as home services."

Despite the difficulties, many companies in the first-tier cities such as North Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shenzhen, as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, are developing R&D service robots and form a relatively complete industrial chain. After all, this is the trend of future development, and the whole world is engaged, such as Sony. Recently released a family companion robot. In contrast, Jinan is relatively backward, Fan Yong does not even know that, in addition to the company he founded, “You Baote”, who else is doing this piece of Jinan City Economic and Information Commission related persons also said that in the field of service robots, Jinan is indeed short Board, not many related companies.

[Realistic] industrial "machine substitution" Jinan is also OK

In the field of industrial robots, what is the situation in Jinan? According to Yue Shuang-rong, Director of the Equipment Industry Division of the Economic and Financial Committee of Jinan City, it is also possible to be in the forefront of Shandong, especially in special industries where robots are widely used. For example, if the electricity inspection is artificial, time-consuming, labor-intensive and risky, Luneng Smart Company will develop a power inspection robot that was originally used by the parent company and later expanded to the entire industry, which accounts for half of the domestic electric power robot market. Today, this robot is also used for cable tunnel inspections.

For example, if welding is used, if a good welder spends more than 10,000 yuan per month, the cost is high and there is no guarantee of quality. Small differences are not a big deal in the general industry, but in special industries such as pressure vessels, it may be a big accident.

In response to this demand, Jinan Times Group has developed a welding robot that is used in the welding of special pressure vessels to ensure the uniformity and consistency of quality and is well known in the industry. For another example, in the field of firefighting, ordinary families are in danger of fire, and no harmful substances are burned. Firefighters can go in to extinguish fires. However, if there is a fire in a dangerous chemicals warehouse, firefighters will likely be poisoned by dizziness. Therefore, Jinan Keya Research and Development Co., Ltd. A smart fire fighting robot was launched and used in the hazardous chemicals industry.

"In fact, more robotic technology is being applied to the production lines of large factories such as CNHTC, Geely Automobile, and Linuo Photovoltaic Panel's assembly line," said Yue Shuangrong. At present, about 10% of the process equipment in Jinan's high-end manufacturing industry has achieved robotic operations.

However, even so, compared with the southern cities of Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the penetration rate of “machine substitution” in the Jinan plant is still relatively low. The reason for this is that, first of all, there was a “labor shortage” in previous years, and there was no southern city in Jinan. The performance is so obvious that the "machine-for-man" urgency is relatively weak; secondly, Jinan is dominated by heavy industry, with relatively few people, while in the south, it is mostly light industry, such as civil household appliances, which employs more people, and it needs more "machine substitutions." ". Finally, in terms of government support for policy support, in previous years, Jinan was not as aggressive as some advanced cities in the south.

[Advantage] Jinan has a front office of robot research

“Cognizing that the gap is the first step to success, the next step is to do its best to make up for it.” Zhang Sai, chairman of Yifei Automation, which is well-known in the field of industrial robots in Jinan, said that after all, “machine substitution” is a big trend, you don’t The gap will grow bigger and bigger.

In China, the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, and the unmanned industrial production line is a trend. Robots are just needed. The public figures show that China adds 100,000 new (sets) of automation equipment every year, accounting for 30% of the world's market, and 70% rely on imports. The high prices and untimely services make it necessary to replace imported products.

In July last year, the State Council released the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" clearly stipulating that artificial intelligence is a new engine for economic development and a new opportunity for social construction. It also proposes a three-step strategy: By 2020, overall technology and applications and the world's advanced By horizontal synchronization, some technologies and applications will reach the world's leading level by 2025, and by 2030, artificial intelligence theory, technology and applications will reach the world's leading level overall.

Some people may say that in the 1950s and 1960s, artificial intelligence used to fire for a while and then it entered the winter. Fan Yong said that at this moment, the technology needed for robotics in China, such as speech recognition and visual recognition technology, is the world leader.

Jinan has advantages in the development of robotics and artificial intelligence. First, in the field of equipment manufacturing, there is a strong numerical control culture, low labor costs, and R&D personnel with equal technical capabilities. The wage level is only half that of first-tier cities; again, Shandong is an industry. Large provinces and populous provinces, the market demand is very strong.

In addition, Jinan has Shandong University Robotics Research Center, Qilu University of Technology, etc. It is the frontline institute for robotics research and application in China. It researches intelligent robot technology, industrial robot applications, smart space technology, micro robots, and electromechanical integration equipment. Development and application have advantages.

● Look forward to supporting “Macro” while focusing on “Little Giant”

“Actually, Jinan and even Shandong are very sorry.” Yu Likun, founder of Babel, who has been active in the field of robotics in Jinan, said that Shanda is leading the country in robotics, but is separated from the industry and robots in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are doing well. Thanks largely to the combination of production, education and research, this point deserves deep thinking from local authorities.

According to reports, at present, the industry recognized that doing service robots to do the best is the Cobos sweeping robot, the technical content is not high, many large home appliance companies can do, but always do not Cobos, this is the first to do it The advantage, and the original founder of this product in Suzhou, benefited from cooperation with local academic research institutions.

In Zhang’s view, Jinan has the advantage of developing the robot industry, but there are also many disadvantages, such as the lack of entrepreneurial top talent. Many people are engaged in academic work.

Some departments prefer large-scale and large-scale projects when they are inviting business. They stare at Big Mac enterprises and build large-scale factories as long as they come, but they do not pay enough attention to some growth-oriented enterprises that rely on scientific and technological innovation and development. It's hard to produce.

In Zhang’s view, the economy needs to develop, and the government needs to look at the “giant”, but it is also necessary to look at the “little giant”. After they have grown up, the energy is still not small.

The reporter noted that this year’s “Government Work Report” in Jinan proposed that we must nurture and expand emerging industries, speed up the construction of smart manufacturing industrial parks, and strive to achieve major breakthroughs in quantum science and technology and artificial intelligence.

According to stakeholders in Jinan City Economic and Information Commission, they attach great importance to the high-end leading role in the development of the robot industry. They have come up with special funds for two consecutive years to support robot R&D companies, encourage companies to cooperate with scientific research institutes, and seize intelligent services. Market opportunities.

The next step is to further implement the "Five-year Development Plan for the Intelligent Manufacturing Industry", develop robotics technology and products, strengthen the innovative application of robots, and support the development of welding robots, assembly robots, inspection robots, packaging robots, painting robots, mobile robots, and special operating robots. , parallel robots and other industrial and service robots.

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