
The rapid development of new energy industry leads the renewable energy market

Climate change is a common global issue and a challenge that humanity cannot avoid. China firmly supports the Paris Agreement and actively seeks cooperation with other countries to jointly cope with climate change. In the past year, China’s greenhouse gas emissions have been declining, leading to the world’s leading role in the development of renewable energy. The photovoltaic and new energy automotive industries have accelerated development. In the future, the Chinese government and China’s new energy companies will continue to work together with countries around the world to promote global sustainable development and achieve common development and sharing.

In early December 2017, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trude visited China for a five-day visit, and the two Prime Ministers unanimously agreed to issue the "China-Canada Joint Statement on Climate Change and Cleaner Growth." The two countries will work together to address the global challenge of climate change.

Strengthen cooperation with foreign countries in response to climate change

In June 2017, US President Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and it was suddenly a matter of public opinion. Half a year after the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on the second anniversary of the conclusion of the "Paris Accord," French President Macron launched the "One Earth" summit to discuss how to provide financial assistance to the international community in responding to climate change.

Climate change and environmental protection are challenges that all countries in the world must cope with. China firmly supports the Paris Agreement and actively seeks cooperation with other countries to jointly cope with climate change. In the “China-Canada Joint Statement on Climate Change and Cleaner Growth,” the Chinese and Canadian prime ministers agreed to strengthen China-Canada cooperation, which is of great significance for global climate change mitigation and adaptation. The two sides also further emphasized the coordinated promotion of environmental protection and economic growth, and pledged to take practical actions to jointly promote clean growth. In addition, China's National Energy Administration and Canada's Department of Natural Resources will also lead the Clean Energy Ministerial Dialogue to provide a platform for the promotion of clean energy solutions, including the transition from fossil energy to cleaner fuels such as nuclear energy, renewable energy and natural gas.

China and Canada have established high-level cooperation and dialogue mechanisms in the fields of climate change and energy. This is a reflection of the deepening cooperation between the two sides in the environmental field and a new starting point for countries to join hands in advancing the global environmental governance process.

Leading the renewable energy market

As a developing country, China has always treated climate change as a priority issue to promote the economy to a higher stage, and is also taking practical measures to achieve the goal of achieving carbon emissions.

China announced that it will invest US$361 billion in renewable energy power generation by 2020. This will enable China to surpass the United States and the European Union and become the center of the world's clean energy revolution. In addition, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also repeatedly mentioned “establishing and perfecting the economic system of green and low-carbon cycle development”, “building a market-oriented green technology innovation system”, “promoting the revolution in energy production and consumption, building a clean, low-carbon, and safety "Efficient energy system" shows the determination and courage of the Chinese government in energy transformation.

In addition to the continuous decline in greenhouse gas emissions, China's national unified carbon emissions trading market is on the verge of opening. China's renewable energy output has also surpassed the United States to become the world's number one. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, China will become the largest source of renewable energy in the next 20 years, and its growth will exceed the combined growth of the United States and the European Union.

China's energy reform policies have been introduced one after another, and companies have also taken actions. The new energy industry is developing rapidly. China has established a green multi-energy supply system that includes the wind power industry, photovoltaic industry, solar thermal utilization industry, biomass energy industry, and geothermal energy production industry. Currently, the installed scale of hydropower, wind power, solar power generation and nuclear power are under construction. In the world, the cost of renewable energy generation has dropped significantly, which has become increasingly prominent in the world's renewable energy development.

A major feature of the current global energy transition is the decarbonization of the energy structure. China’s economic structure is changing. The Chinese government’s determination to transition to low-carbon clean energy policies does not change, indicating that China’s energy structure will change significantly in the future. There is no doubt that with the in-depth development of the energy revolution, China will become a leader in global energy transformation.

Photovoltaic and New Energy Automobile Industry Accelerate Development

As the main force in promoting a new round of energy revolution in the world, China's new energy companies have undergone enormous changes in just 10 years, among which the solar photovoltaic industry is the most prominent. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's photovoltaic industry has been developing rapidly in the process of energy transformation. 70% of the world's photovoltaic products are exported from China, and China has become the world's largest photovoltaic market.

In addition, with the support of national and local government supporting policies, China’s new energy vehicles have achieved a leap forward in industrialization and scale, and the production scale of new energy vehicle vehicle manufacturing companies has also rapidly expanded. In the field of passenger vehicles, a group of new energy auto star enterprises such as BYD and Geely have emerged. At the same time, the Internet new energy auto companies have also begun to emerge, and R&D technologies and capabilities have greatly improved.

As the world's largest energy consumer, how to optimize the energy structure and achieve clean, low-carbon development has always been a question that needs to be considered in China's energy development. In the face of new changes in the pattern of energy supply and demand and new trends in international energy development, the innovative development of China's energy industry requires the promotion of new energy companies. The Chinese government and China's new energy companies will work together with all countries in the world to jointly promote global sustainable development and achieve common development and sharing.

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