
Shenzhen Shenmu Company Announces the Fastest Commercialization of Dynamic Face Recognition Technology in the World

2017 is undoubtedly the year of "face recognition" technology.

Almost overnight, "face recognition" became a hot term for the tech industry. Its Baidu index rose from 1058 at the beginning of the year to as high as 2910. In addition to the market effect brought by PhoneX's emergence, the fundamental reason is that with the gradual maturity of this technology, the application of broadband extension has come to the industry, and companies engaged in related technology research have also emerged this year.

Last week, Shenzhen Shenmu, an artificial intelligence big data company engaged in technology research and development such as face recognition, object recognition, and vehicle identification, officially announced the completion of a tens of millions of dollars A round of financing from China Venture Capital under its deep venture capital investment, according to the responsible person. Introduction, the funds will be mainly invested in the in-depth development of the project, while opening up the market and establishing the company's brand. The waste joint venture was the exclusive financial advisor to God in this transaction.

What kind of company is it? It can get such a favor from the country's venture capital agency?

Joint domestic and overseas technical team focus on computer vision algorithm research

Shingo’s founder, Liu Jingfeng, is an Optics Valley entrepreneur who has returned from Silicon Valley.

He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States with a Ph.D. in Electronics and Computer Engineering and a member of the American Association of Honorary Scientists (SigmaXi). In 2014, he was also selected as the country's seventh batch of "Thousand Talents Plan" national experts.

In 2010, Liu Jingfeng led the team to return to China and established the predecessor of Shenmu Company in Wuhan: Lianxue Puri Electronic Technology successfully developed the system chip of the smart grid power carrier communication main control chip and soon industrialized it. In the course of project practice, the team gradually explored face and object recognition technologies and discovered a broader world. In 2016, Liu Jingfeng led the team of artificial intelligence doctors from Carnegie Mellon University, Michigan State University, University of Oklahoma, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and other top universities in China and the United States to create an artificial computer vision-focused team. The smart big data company DeepCam is dedicated to researching face recognition technology algorithms. At the same time, Carnegie Mellon University was jointly established as a biometric research laboratory and became a founding member of the United States National Nature Fund (NSF)'s BigLearningCenter.

"Dr. Liu Jingfeng not only has a profound accumulation of academic and scientific research, but also has a comprehensive understanding and planning of the industry structure of China and the United States and even the world." As a UBS and a god angel investment institution, HeLi Investment expressed to reporters Liu The full recognition of the doctor's ability and vision, which is also the beginning of the joint investment.

Shenmu: The fastest commercialization of dynamic face recognition technology in the world

According to reports, since its inception, Shenmu has been focusing on the research of various algorithms in the field of computer vision recognition, and has achieved industry-leading levels in face feature extraction engine technology, posture recognition technology, object recognition and image classification, OCR recognition and other technical algorithms. In the industry, it pioneered a number of cutting-edge technologies such as facial restoration, blurred face restoration, and large gesture face recognition. It has built 1.5 million 3D depth camera face databases, and its model training efficiency is 400 times that of similar products. Generalization ability is far ahead of the industry average.

Because of this focus on algorithmic technology, Shenmu has ushered in a rapid development this year, not only for the successful output of efficient technical solutions for various industries, but also the investment institutions have been unanimously optimistic.

Shenmu Smart City Solution

Face recognition technology is currently widely used, and the largest domestic application in recent years has been in the public safety field. According to the head of the project of the Smart City of the Gods, the purpose of the project is to hide face reduction, low-resolution, large-scene face recognition, and 2D face images to generate 3D face models and other technologies at the global leading level. The camera supported by the gaze algorithm can recognize the human face in a large posture, and can be correctly identified when the head is lowered, the right and left turning heads are not more than 60 degrees, and even the side arches are 30 degrees. The occluded face can be identified with a minimum exposure of 20%, and even face features can be restored through the peripheral details of the eye to perform face matching. To meet the needs of video data structuring and business intelligence in the public security field, Shenmu developed a dynamic face recognition system based on deep learning model specifically for the public security system. The system includes character control, character trajectory playback, electronic information, and face feature collision. A series of public safety solutions. These solutions support the existing cameras (3.5 meters or 4.3 meters of poles) already installed in the safe city for face detection and identification, improve the overall level of linkage of the public security and rapid processing capabilities, and reduce the policing costs. Because there is no need to make adjustments to the camera, the eye-catching product can structure the existing historical video data, assist the police in quickly detecting cases, and effectively support the development goals of “wisdom security and intelligent policing”. At present, Shenmu products have been applied in public security systems in many places in China.

Shenmu expands in various fields such as new retail

In response to market demand, Shenmu has applied artificial intelligence technologies such as face recognition, object recognition, and vehicle identification in smart cities, smart tourism, smart medical care, and mobile terminal applications. The deep learning model built specifically for the depth camera of mobile phones has developed face unlocking (with live body) and intelligent album sorting products through successful research and development capabilities of its own algorithms and continuous optimization capabilities on mobile terminals. Second and third-line brand applications have cumulatively shipped 600,000 units.

In the United States, Shenmu has successfully won the internal security and passenger flow data analysis camera orders for 15,000 convenience stores, commercial supermarkets, and bank online stores to protect store security and collect consumer data. Especially in terms of security, in the past more than half a year, Shenmu has accumulated more than 190,000 "customary stolen" cloud databases in the United States. Once a camera detects a suspicious person, the system will recognize and issue an early warning to remind the clerk of proper attention. It is expected that each year will be for every Stores save $3-5k.

In the new domestic retail sector, there are many advances in the eyes of God. Two cameras were set up on the entrance of a large commercial plaza, and real-time face captures were performed on the left and right sides of the gate respectively, and statistics were made on the traffic flow, customer gender, age group statistics, and VIP customer identification. The planning and effectiveness evaluation provides a new generation of big data support.

The Goddess has always been guided by the application and market demand, and then seek out the corresponding technical solutions. The project leader of the retail industry told the reporter that there are many demand points in the new retail field and there are many products that can be made. In particular, the products and solutions that combine the face recognition technology with the unmanned store concept are the future of the eye. One of the development priorities of the year. When the consumer enters the store for the first time, the camera can identify the consumer information and analyze the consumer's interests and hobbies according to the posture of the consumer. At the same time, the goods in the consumer's shopping basket are automatically identified, and the consumer automatically gets out of the store. Brush your face to complete the payment action.

With the continuous widening of the application of "face recognition" technology, Shenmu, as the exporter of upstream algorithmic solutions, will still have a long way to go in terms of technology research and development and big data accumulation. The founder of Shenmu stated that after the new fund is injected, the company will unite more technical teams at home and abroad to conduct deeper levels of technological research and development, focusing on market demand, and focusing on continuously providing better and more efficient and feasible technical solutions for various industries.

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