
Intelligent Voice Touch Application Field "No Screen" Really Enters Everyday Life

According to industry data, with the expansion of the market size of artificial intelligence, the scale of China's voice industry will exceed 10 billion. As a key part of the artificial intelligence industry, intelligent speech technology updates and iterative development has been rapid. Nowadays, AI technology has been able to recognize Xixia language - a highly similar text, then we are away from the "future technology" in science fiction movies. Will you be far behind?

Smart speech is the jewel in the crown of artificial intelligence. In the past, the first reaction might be Siri, Cortana, etc. The AI ​​technology has long been a debut in the Western countries, and the work is hard, but in recent years, China has been in the stage of rapid growth of artificial intelligence. Technological innovation companies such as Baidu and Ali have already had many cutting-edge smart voice technologies comparable to those of the United States.

As one of the leading players in the field of intelligent voice, today we will discuss together the next few applications in the current and near future.

Smart Speaker & Smart Home

Smart speaker is the control center of smart home. With smart speakers, people can use voice to control home devices: for example, "Turn on the air conditioner and adjust the temperature to 26 degrees". Your air conditioner will turn on and set the temperature to 26 degrees Celsius; turn on the TV and switch to the center TV station, your TV will also operate as directed.

Of course, this application scenario has been implemented in the moment, but the function is still being upgraded continuously and becomes more complete.

From the smart home, smart speakers can also be used in child care, educational and entertainment fields. For example, Euler speaker can not only complete the children's voice story on demand, but also to the children's voice information to parents.

Smart speakers make “non-screening” truly into everyday life. After this great leap, it will also penetrate more fields and bring “intelligence” concepts into all aspects of life.

Smart car, leaving the steering wheel is not a dream

The future trend of smart cars will be "autopilot + voice control." From the moment you get in the car, you are in a network system that you manipulate, and the smart car system is your “personal driver and personal attendant” and only needs to convey instructions to “him”.

For example, you can tell "he", where you are going, which route you want to take, how much interior temperature you want, and so on. "That's all right", you just have to lean on the back of your chair, drinking coffee and watching the news.

Smart customer service makes service more efficient and faster

There are friends with online shopping experience, and many have dealt with customer service. This position of customer service, faced with a large number of customers every day, many of which there are many repeated problems. If these problematic routines are handed over to robots, they can not only optimize customer service staffing (manually focus on solving intractable diseases), but also greatly save customers' precious time waiting for reply.

The further development of this kind of robot is the intelligent customer service of chat robot type, that is, the customer service system through voice communication. This kind of intelligent customer service system can be used not only for pre-sales and post-sales of online stores, but also for guidance, Q&A of public places such as hospitals, airports, and libraries, which can bring great convenience to consumers.

Smart wearable, upgrade virtual world experience

Like driving, in the process of playing games, it is necessary to free up both hands to adjust the volume and close the chat box... These operations that are not related to the game itself are inevitably distracting. Therefore, voice control has a unique advantage for scenes that require concentration and two-handed operation.

Similarly, the same is true when using VR devices. We can even integrate voice control into the content. For example, in an adventure VR game, as long as we dictate “open the door”, the door of the virtual space will open up. Perhaps this will again bring a new sensory experience.

In addition to entertainment purposes, smart voice can help visually impaired friends to better their lives.

Smart medical, realizing oral medical data

Smart medical does not refer to voice-activated machine equipment to operate surgery. At this stage, the application of intelligent voice in medical treatment is more in the aspect of doctor-patient dialogue archiving, call center recording and other aspects. In addition, it is also possible to quickly find case data and retrieve data information via voice.

To do this, you need to train your machine for a large number of medical domain thesaurus. As long as the establishment of a complete database, it is not difficult to achieve. However, functions such as information recording and data search are also applicable to some public service organizations that need to deal with urgent affairs and have complicated information, such as public security systems.

The above are just a few of the more mainstream applications of intelligent voice. Accompanied by the rapid development of intelligent speech, there are still infinite possibilities for future development. Euler's honeymoon treatment sees like-minded partners in the smart home, automotive, intelligent customer service and other intelligent voice research areas to explore and jointly accelerate the arrival of smart life!

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