
China's smart manufacturing to achieve industrialization of the old and new kinetic energy conversion to promote standard competition

"The first-rate enterprises set standards, second-rate enterprises play brands, third-rate enterprises sell technology, and fourth-rate enterprises do products." This sentence tells entrepreneurs who have set standards and become the industry's definer, who can easily control the entire market. Thirty years ago, Intel and Microsoft defined X86-based processors and Windows operating system kernels for the PC industry, which has dominated PCs so far. After 2007, with the arrival of the mobile era, ARM-based processors and Qualcomm's wireless communications chips have gradually become the de facto standard for the smart mobile industry. According to the published financial report data, from 2013 to 2015, Qualcomm’s annual patent licensing fees and prices collected from smart phone manufacturers made nearly 8 billion US dollars. From this we can see that setting industry standards will not only allow companies to enjoy huge profits in the industry, but also completely eliminate industry competitors.

In recent years, with the rapid development of IT technology, in order to take full advantage of opportunities brought by emerging technologies such as Internet of things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, and promote the intelligent transformation of industries, Germany has proposed an Industry 4.0 strategy. The enterprises represented by GE proposed the Industrial Internet strategy, and China also released the China Manufacturing 2025 and smart manufacturing strategy. From an industrial perspective, this is an industrialization transformation strategy of different directions and routes put forward by various governments in the light of their respective industrial advantages. However, in essence, this is an attempt by various governments to promote their respective industrial strategies to the world, and to pave the way for the further construction of industrial standards at different levels and at different levels.

At present, as the development of smart manufacturing is still in the exploratory phase, the architecture, standards, and systems for smart manufacturing need to be improved. At the same time, with the emerging technologies represented by the Internet of things, big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence being gradually integrated into manufacturing enterprises, in order to promote the implementation of smart factories, traditional industrial automation control protocols and standards will also need to be updated. Redefining this is a real opportunity for China's manufacturing industry to become stronger and stronger. As a result, the competition for the intellectual manufacturing system, architecture, and standard-setting authority has also risen from the enterprise level to the national level. The competition in the intelligent manufacturing strategy transformation has also gradually developed into a competition between the countries for a new generation of intelligent industrial standardization rights. At present, the Chinese government and enterprises are actively seizing the opportunity to promote the establishment of smart manufacturing systems and standards, starting from the most basic technologies and standards to gradually build their own industry standards, and have achieved significant results.

At the government level, on March 23, 2017, the National Standards Committee issued the “Circular on the Release of National Standard Development Plans for Smart Manufacturing Object Identification Requirements,” including the requirements for smart manufacturing object identification, the overall industrial network architecture, and smart manufacturing. Four national standards for smart manufacturing, including requirements for labeling and analysis system, general technical requirements for digital workshops, digital shop floor machine tool manufacturing information models, overall requirements for industrial cloud service capabilities, and industrial cloud service models, were formally established. It is a milestone in the process of promoting the construction of China's smart manufacturing standard system, and it also marks a solid step in the smart manufacturing standardization work from the top-level design stage to the implementation stage.

At the enterprise level, the EPA, a real-time Ethernet standard for industrial measurement and control systems jointly developed by Zhejiang University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang Central Control Technology Corporation, Dalian University of Technology and the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was jointly developed. EPA Industrial Ethernet standard transmitters, actuators, remote distributed controllers, data acquisition stations, field controllers and other products, introduced the DCS system based on the EPA industrial Ethernet standard, and has been successfully applied in the enterprise.

As the most internationally competitive enterprise in the field of China's network communications industry, Huawei has scored 5G communications coding standards and 3GPP-compliant R13 standard protocols in China by increasing the layout of the Internet of Things and 5G communications standards since 2014. Cellular-based narrowband Internet of Things technology - NB-IoT. This means that in the 5G era, Chinese companies no longer have to pay high “high-pass tax,” and in the area of ​​the Internet of Things, Chinese companies have the ability to build autonomous systems that include the Internet of Things chips, access network devices, and the Internet of Things cloud platform. Ecological system.

In the area of ​​artificial intelligence, Baidu is deploying artificial intelligence applications at the level of algorithms, platforms, and frameworks. Its artificial intelligence industry ecosystem has also gradually improved. At the chip level, Huawei released the Kirin 970 artificial intelligence chip in 2017. The first time it adopted TSMC's 10nm process, and Qualcomm's latest Xiaolong 835 chip is a process, but the integration of 5.5 billion transistors is much higher than that of Qualcomm's 3.1 billion and Apple A10. More than 3.3 billion stars bring about a 20% reduction in power consumption. In addition to Huawei, the artificial intelligence chips released by the domestic intelligent chip maker Cambrian are also starting to support various intelligent platforms from end to end. In applications such as voice recognition, image recognition, machine translation, and augmented reality, Tencent, Alibaba, HKUST, and other vendors are also catching up and even catching up with their international counterparts.

to sum up

According to e-works, as the smart manufacturing strategy continues to advance, IT, OT, and CT have gradually converged. Traditional inefficient industrial technologies and standards must give way to more efficient technologies and standards. For example, the lower-speed industrial fieldbus allows faster industrial Ethernet, and the lower-speed 4G standard is replaced by the higher-speed 5G standard. The serial computing architecture's embedded chips allow faster calculations and Artificial intelligence chips that support deep learning algorithms, a large number of old industrial automation control standards must be replaced by more intelligent standard protocols. Only through this process can industrialized new and old kinetic energy conversion be achieved, and traditional inefficient production and manufacturing will be transformed into automated and intelligent smart factories. In this process, the construction of China’s autonomous intelligent manufacturing standards will be made in China. Toward a powerful cornerstone!

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