
China Mobile: Five cities plan 500 stations for 5G trials

As the core technology of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things in the future, 5G is getting closer to the date of formal commercial use. The three major operators have stated that they will be officially commercialized before and after 2020. Huang Yuhong, deputy dean of the China Mobile Research Institute, said recently that China Mobile will join 7 joint units and build 500 stations in 5 major cities to form 26 scenarios of 5G services.

According to TechWeb reported on January 18 news, for the current mobile 5G plan, Huang Yuhong said that in 2018 Q1 will actively participate in the third phase of the 5G technology R&D test to build a scale trial network; in Q18 of 2018, it will freeze in the R15 standard. At the same time, 5G pilots were piloted in five major cities to conduct key technology application and commercial verification, and the construction of a business demonstration network was started. In Q19, Q1 began to lead business demonstrations in 12 cities. The commercial terminal chip was launched in Q2 in 2019 and it was validated for commercial construction and operation.

It is reported that China Mobile will continue to coordinate the scale of the trial and business model planning, network preparation and business applications effective convergence. In the scale trial, China Mobile will unite 7 joint units and build 500 stations in 5 major cities to form 26 types of 5G business scenarios. Among the business demonstrations of the National Development and Reform Commission, China Mobile will unite more than 20 cooperative units. Twelve cities conducted business demonstrations and conducted 500 station planning.

Talking about the challenges and difficulties in the current 5G test, Huang Yuhong said that there are still some challenges in network equipment, terminal chips, and instrumentation. Among them, in terms of network equipment, in the development of SA standards, standards and products need to be launched simultaneously. However, currently there are too many standard options and convergence is needed. At the same time, new technologies such as network slicing and edge computing are introduced, and a next-generation network based on NFV/SDN is constructed.

In terms of the terminal chip, it is still in the FPGA prototype stage, and the NSA/SA test chip is only launched in early 2019, which is only one year from commercial time. In terms of instrumentation, it is necessary to further promote the maturity of 5G key instruments such as channel simulators and terminal/base station simulators. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the R&D verification of the 5G terminal tester and conformance test system.

In addition to mobile, Unicom and Telecom are also actively deploying 5G technology. At the Fourth World Internet Conference, Lu Yimin, general manager of China Unicom, and Yang Jie, chairman of China Telecom, all stated that they are actively deploying 5G and plan to commercialize it before and after 2020.

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