
Technical points for breeding rabbits

With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the dietary structure has changed quietly, and the “green food” has been eaten. Hare farming, as an industry that has just emerged in Songyang, has been welcomed by everyone because of its unique advantages. As a good hare, it has become the focus of attention of the majority of breeders. The new township is a key township for hare cultivation in our county, and has registered the "Dashan" brand trademark. The market prospects are more optimistic, but the breeding technology and scale need to be further improved and improved. At present, the hare breeding industry in the ancient cities and towns is also developing rapidly. Now we will introduce standardized farming techniques. First, the living habits of rabbits, nocturnal and lethargy, so during the day in addition to feeding, should be less alarmed; 2, timid, suspicious, one would show panic in the movement, this rabbithouse to keep quiet; 3, tide tide hi Dryness; 4, burrowing and rodent behavior, rabbits love to open soil hole, bite the wood, in the construction of materials to be appropriate, cage flat, leaving no edges and corners, put it in the branches for their bite. Second, to strengthen the feeding and management of hares 1, feed diversification, with a reasonable, should use more beans, grasses, asteraceae plants, mainly to green feed, daily supplements about one or two concentrate feed. According to the contained nutrients, to complement each other to meet the rabbit's growth and development of a variety of nutrients, should not feed a single, at the same time to prepare the overwintering material, can be planted ryegrass, radish and other green feed. 2, regular quantitative: Feeding must have a certain number of times, time and quantity, develop eating habits, can not be hunger or binge eating, so as to avoid the occurrence of digestive diseases. 3, pay attention to health, anti-corrosion mold: rabbit cage scan every day, rabbit feces in addition to the day, choose brush feeding equipment, ground for mat grass, regular disinfection, keep the rabbit house clean and dry, pay attention to feed quality, do not feed moldy rotting and Poisonous feed, drinking water should be clean. 4, group management, strengthen the sports: According to age, gender and production methods of the three groups, under the premise of the conditions permit, often to hare exercise, in order to maintain its wildness. 5, feeding and management of puppies: from birth to weaned puppies, which is characterized by incomplete development of the body and rapid growth, poor regulation, weak adaptability, low resistance. According to its growth and development characteristics, feeding and management are divided into two phases, namely sleep and open eyes. In addition to taking effective measures to help the rabbits in the sleeping period to eat enough milk, the rabbits should work well in preventing cold, keeping warmth, repelling mosquitoes, eradicating rodents, preventing diseases, and preventing suffocation, while doing a good job of cleanliness inside and outside the box. The focus of the opening period is feeding and weaning. Feed a small amount of nutritious, easily digestible, and palatability feed, and mix in a small amount of minerals and antibiotics. Feed it 5 to 6 times a day, increase the number of small meals, and gradually increase until weaning. The focus of management is to divide the mother's cubs into cages at 15 days of age and breastfeed every 12 hours. Always change the bedding, and wash or replace the nest box. After each meal, the female rabbit is brought to the playground for proper exercise. Check your health regularly. 6. Breeding and management of rabbits: In order to maintain the wildness of rabbits, rabbits should be changed frequently to prevent inbreeding. Rabbits should be inspected on a regular basis, and unhealthy and over-aged rabbits should be eliminated in time. (1) Breeding and management of male rabbits: The male rabbits are required to develop well, have a strong physique, have a strong sexual desire, and have moderate physique. Feeding and management: It is required that the feed has high nutritional value, is easy to digest, has good palatability, is rich in protein and moderate amounts of minerals and vitamins to improve its semen quality. In the management, the male and female rabbit cages are required to maintain a certain distance to avoid the stimulation of the opposite sex. When mating, the female rabbits should be caught in a male rabbit cage. Usually two times a day breeding, with the young male rabbit once a day; a day off for 2 days. The male rabbits should not be mated during the hair replacement period. (2) Breeding and management of breeding females: The female rabbits have different physiological conditions due to empty arms, pregnancy, and breast-feeding. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken in feeding and management. Empty period: the time that the pups are weaned until they become pregnant again. At this time, they must supply enough nutrients, such as high-quality green fodder and appropriate amount of concentrate, to promote the recovery of the constitutional decline caused by the consumption of the lactation period, so that it can make normal estrus. Timely breeding. Pregnancy: This refers to the period from the time of pregnancy to delivery in the female rabbit. After 4 to 5 days after mating, the female rabbit undergoes a pregnancy test. It is true that the female has been exposed to fetuses and nutrition should be strengthened. It is very important to raise the quality and quantity of feed to increase the quality and quantity of feed. The amount of feed must be increased accordingly. With the development of the fetus, beancake, bean dregs, bran, aggregate and salt must be supplemented; 3 days before delivery, reduced concentrates. Give more green feed. During pregnancy, care should be taken to prevent miscarriage. The abortion of female rabbits usually takes place 15 to 20 days after pregnancy. Abortion is the same as abortion. Gradually, grass is pulled to nest, but the fetus is swallowed by the female rabbit. The causes of abortion are catching too much, being frightened, eating deteriorating feed, and drinking cold water in cold weather. To prevent miscarriage, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that may cause miscarriage. Breast-feeding period: Female rabbits are rich in nutrients in the milk fed to the bunnies. The consumption of these nutrients (milk) must be extracted from the feed. Therefore, the amount of feed must be increased to feed the broilers. The diet should be made of green, succulent and concentrated materials and minerals. In the management, we must constantly check the lactation situation, clean up the rabbit cages every day, change the mats, wash the dishes, and do a weekly disinfection. Third, the prevention and treatment of hare disease Adhere to the principle of prevention, prevention and control of integration, rabbit common diseases are rabbit plague, coccidiosis, rickets, pasteurellosis, staphylococcal disease, including rabbit lice, coccidial For disease prevention, rabbit plague vaccine is injected twice a year on a regular basis and trilobular coccidiosis powder is used to prevent coccidiosis regularly. Treatment of rickets can be scrubbed or immersed in the affected area with 2% aqueous solution of trichlorfon. Pasteurellosis and grape bacillus disease can be treated with sulfa drugs or antibiotics.

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