
Guangzhou cross-border purchase stolen clothes were found! RFID technology to help you how to "foreign rubbish" say no!

Recently, Guangzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau seized infants and young children's worn clothing for the first time among a group of infants and young children's milk powder declared by cross-border direct purchase (B2C). According to China's health and quarantine laws and regulations, waste clothing are prohibited from entering the goods. Guangzhou Inspection and Quarantine staff of the batch of parcels strictly sterilized, and eventually the batch of used clothes, together with the infant milk powder sealed for destruction, is strictly prohibited inflows into the domestic market.

"Foreign garbage" harmful

This old clothes to enter the so-called "foreign garbage." Most of these old clothes come from second-hand foreign markets. Without quarantine, disinfection and carrying a large number of infectious bacteria or bacteria, once they flow into the market, they not only cause pollution to the environment, but may cause people to infect skin diseases or other diseases after they are put on. Some germs are caused Serious hidden dangers of large-scale outbreaks endanger public health.

You may wonder how there will be a market for used clothes? In fact, the huge profits of "foreign rubbish" make many unscrupulous elements desperate to import solid waste from outside the country under various banners. Such as illegal "foreign garbage" old clothing transactions in the good quality of the wholesale parts, poor on the "pounds on the", 1 kg of clothing dozens of yuan, a few pieces of clothing money, to the store offer a dozen dollars, the equivalent of A resale price doubled, and some stores earn more than ten million a year.

How to avoid "foreign garbage"

Foreign rubbish will directly pose a health threat to consumers, at a high price, buying used items and risking their lives will be worth the candle. As the brand owners, the sale of clothes in the market for secondary circulation, to some extent, will affect the normal sales of the brand, and secondly, without strict disinfection of the old clothes, consumers have a health hazard, to a large extent , Also affected the brand's reputation.

Inspection and quarantine departments usually remind consumers that they should not buy old clothes illegally imported and avoid contracting diseases. However, many old clothes, in order to deceive the public, usually two refurbished, the naked eye is hard to tell whether it is new or genuine. At this time, we must remind ourselves, try our best to buy clear clothes.

So, how to ensure this?

Today, the application of Internet of Things logo on the clothing, you can make the clothes come clear, to the transparent. When the Internet of Things logo carrier, such as RFID chips, electronic tags, etc. are implanted in each piece of clothing, so that each piece of clothing corresponds to a unique code. Consumers can obtain clothing information through coding, including clothing fabrics, materials, production production time, place of origin, place of sale, product description, buyer reviews. Once the clothing has been dealt with, check the identification code, you can know. Each item of clothing tagged with an IoT logo can be truly tracked, whereabouts and origin.

Currently, a number of big-name apparel companies have been exploring the use of Internet of Things logo technology, its application in clothing. With the popularization and application of IoT logo technology, "foreign garbage" will nowhere to hide.

In addition, the application of Internet of Things logo technology can reduce the labor supply cost of warehouse supply chain review and improve efficiency. The application of Internet of Things technology in the field of apparel will upgrade and upgrade the production, distribution and sales of commodities. We'll see!

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