
How to ensure the quality of semen in summer?

This article describes some issues of how to ensure the quality of semen in summer for your reference.

1 Grasp the feeding and management of breeding boars

The boars must be fed special feed for boars and add Meng Wang (Haizheng Xingchao Co., Ltd.) to the feed. Feed 2 times a day, feed 2.5-3kg per head per day, 1 egg, and add 2-3kg of green feed daily. The temperature of the boar can not exceed 28oC (above 28oC adverse effects on the sperm), keeping the pens and the pigs clean, and the boars are driven out of the pens for 30 minutes every morning.

2 strict semen quality

After semen collection, first look at the amount of semen, color and odor (normal ejaculatory amount of ejaculate is generally 150-300mL, the color is milky white or light gray, with a slight smell), if the sense of normal, should immediately carry out microscopic examination , Fresh spermatozoa active above 0.7 can be diluted or discarded. Semen should be diluted as soon as possible after collection, and the original sperm will not be stored for more than 30 minutes. Diluted with semen-specific diluent. When diluting, dilute the temperature of the diluent to the temperature of the semen. Slowly pour the diluent into the semen along the cup (bottle) of the semen, gently shake it, mix it, and then dispense. .

3 preservation of semen

The ambient temperature for storing semen must be controlled between 11-17oC. The temperature difference between day and night should not exceed 2oC. It is best to use a 17oC constant temperature freezer. The diluted semen was stored at room temperature (22-25oC) for 1 h and then wrapped in several layers of towels and stored directly in a 17oC thermostat. Semen should be shaken once every 12 hours during semen preservation to prevent death from sperm deposition. Shelf life is generally not more than 3d.

4 Semen storage during insemination

Cold winter or hot summer semen can not be exposed to the outside for too long (because heat stress or cold stress will affect the quality of sperm), in the winter insemination should be placed in the palm of your hand semen 2-3min to prevent semen The temperature is too low to cause semen backflow. Semen transport needs to be stored in a foam box, cool in the summer, and warm in the winter.

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