
You should avoid evil invasion during the summer season

The summer heat is a solar term that reflects the change in temperature in the 24 solar terms. The word "departed" means to hide and terminate. "The place to go also means that the summer heat stops here." The meaning of the summer heat is that the hot summer days are finally over.


Every year around August 23, the sun reaches about 150 degrees to the Yellow Sutra and it is considered as a summer heat.

In ancient China, the summer heat was divided into three waiting periods: “When an eagle was a sacrifice to a bird; two were waiting for heaven and earth to start a suze; and three were to wait for a genocide;” meaning that during the summer season, the eagle began to hunt heavily on birds; everything in heaven and earth began to fade; Crops are about to mature.

After the summer heat has passed, the weather changes, noon heat, cool morning and evening, and the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large. The hot and cool nights climate makes the human yang converging.

The summer heat is the second solar term in autumn. Fall corresponds to five elements and the five internal organs correspond to the lungs. Therefore, health care during the summer season should be related to this.

First, the health care can be more than the use of pears, lilies and other ingredients

During the summer season, it is prone to dry mouth, dry nose, dry cough, sputum, constipation, increased skin wrinkles, and even fatigue, weight loss and other symptoms. Must be dry and moist.

In terms of diet, pears and lilies are the best ingredients.

According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica” record, pears can “enough to cool the lungs, eliminate phlegm and reduce the risk of fire, relieve soreness and alcoholism”. Chinese medicine believes that pears are sweet, slightly acidic, and cool, which can promote appetite, help digestion, and dilate the urine. , purge, antipyretic and other effects.

Therefore, eating pears during the summer season has a good effect on the health of the lungs and Qiuzao.

However, it should be noted that pears are cold and cold, and do not eat too much at one time.

According to the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" record, Lily has the effect of "going evil and bloating heartache, benefiting the defecation and urination, and supplementing the benefit of Qi". Chinese medicine believes that Lily is sweet, slightly bitter, and flat, and can be used to moisten the lungs and cough, moisten dry heat.

Second, keep emotional stability, do not be impatient

This year's beginning of the autumn season is in the afternoon, as if to verify that "early autumn, cold and cold; late autumn, hot dead dog," this sentence, after the fall of the hot sweeping across the region, high temperatures in some areas even over the summer.

In this situation, it is even more important to maintain a stable mood and pay attention to the adjustment of body, mind, and interest. "The heart must be clear and the sex should remain quiet" in order to preserve vitality.

Third, maintain adequate sleep

During the heat season, it is the alternating period of heat and cold. In the natural world, the yin increases and the yang decreases. The yang of the body also follows the adduction. “Autumn deficiency” then appears. At this time, more sleep is needed to eliminate fatigue and allow the brain and body to fully rest.

Fourth, increase or decrease clothing at a proper time to protect vital parts

During the summer season, weather changes are obvious. We must pay attention to eradicate weather changes, increase or decrease clothing in time, do not catch cold, and do not suffer from cold.

At this time, the navel is particularly sensitive to external stimuli because it has the thinnest skin. Therefore, it must be properly guarded to prevent the cold from invading the human body through the navel and causing illness. Cover your abdomen when you sleep.

Fifth, avoid evil invasion

During the summer season, the autumnal equinox gradually cools. It is cool to get up early and late, not to mention the dawn of the night. If the cool breeze at that time invades the body, it is easy to cause diseases such as frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, and gout; it may also cause diarrhea and gastritis. And digestive diseases such as enteritis.

Therefore, when sleeping at this time, it is best not to open air conditioners, fans, or sleep under the windows, so as to avoid evil invasion.

Green Peas, According to the color of their cotyledons, Peas are divided into two types: green skin, green peas, and green skin yellow peas. Green peas are green-green peas. Peas in northeast China are the most famous. It is one of China's important food crops. It has a history of 5,000 years of cultivation. Our company can provide two different frozen peas to meet the needs of different people.
The effect and effect of green peas
Daily green peas can provide catechins and epicatechins as two kinds of flavonoid antioxidants. When people get older, there will be more and more free radicals in the body. Free radicals and aging are positively related. Nutrition in green beans can resist. Free radical-induced diseases, delaying the speed of body aging, as well as anti-inflammatory, spectral antibacterial effects.
Kidneys of green peas
[Appropriate population] Green peas are suitable for menopausal women, diabetes and cardiovascular patients, and mental workers and dieters are also very suitable for eating green Peas. These people can eat green beans to improve disease and physical condition.
[Contrained people] People with severe liver disease, peptic ulcer, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease, gout, low iodine and other diseases are not to eat green peas, so as not to aggravate the condition.

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