
Water ring vacuum pump pipe installation points

What are the precautions for water ring vacuum pump pipe installation? Water ring vacuum pump pipe installation is very important, then Xiaobian introduce water ring vacuum pump pipe installation points. Water ring vacuum pump pipe installation points Water ring vacuum pump pipe installation points 1, choose a reasonable solution (1) vacuum system outlet and pump inlet spacing as short as possible; (2) the less the better the pipe bend; (3) The inlet pipe should be higher than the center line of the inlet of the pump. The outlet pipe should prevent the factors that cause greater resistance, such as the outlet pipe climbing and right-angle turning; (4) If the vacuum system is small, the diameter of the inlet and outlet fittings can be small, but not less than 70% of the diameter of the inlet and outlet of the product, and the outlet diameter should be greater than or equal to the diameter of the inlet pipe; (5) Turn the corner should be a smooth transition; (6) vacuum pump inlet pipe to install the valve used to adjust the amount of water intake, the amount of water on the degree of vacuum effect, adjust the amount of water while observing the vacuum gauge pointer to control the valve , SK-0.8 ultimate vacuum can reach -0.087, at work, because the pipeline is not completely sealed state, the degree of vacuum at about -0.06 to meet the work needs. 2, to install or maintain the pipeline, to avoid falling into foreign objects. 3, pipe joints to seal encryption, can not have leaks, leaking situation. 4, in the vacuum suction device installed vacuum table, so you can control the changes in the vacuum. 5, when the vacuum reaches the limit will make a lot of noise, called cavitation sound, through the valve to adjust the degree of vacuum, the vacuum is high, the pressure bursting detector, open the valve to let go of excess gas, cavitation sound immediately Disappear, the vacuum is down when the valve is closed. 6, one of the important role of circulating water is still used to cool the heat generated by the vacuum pump work, pressure pump, when the circulating water temperature exceeds 40 degrees, the vacuum will be reduced, replenish or change the cold water to reduce the circulating water heat, The vacuum pump on the fencing equipment uses an oil drum to hold the circulating water, and the water in the water bucket should be more. (Editor: Li Juan QQ:) Recommended reading: 2017 Exhibition Top ten brands of vacuum pumps

Oriented Strand Boards or OSBs are engineered wood panels where rectangular wood stands are arranged in cross oriented layers and binded together with resin.

Luli Group Co., Ltd, has the capability and capacity to produce High Quality OSB yet with competitive pricing. It is the result from the huge investment into latest cutting edge technology from Germany – the world leader in technology, engineering and innovation. Capitalizing on such advancement, Luli Group OSB R&D team continues to develop and design OSB with wider application, higher usability and marketability without neglecting the importance to be environmental friendly.

Advantages of OSB:

These greener options to Plywood are moisture resistant, have high load capacities and are customizable to different sizes, thickness and shapes.Uses of OSB:

OSB is a material with favorable mechanical properties that make it particularly suitable for load-bearing applications in construction. The most common uses are as sheathing in walls, Flooring, and roof decking. OSB also sees some use in furniture production.

The details of OSB:

1. Sizes: 1220mm x 2440mm(Standard Size), 1250mm x 2500mm or according to customer`s request.

2. Thickness: From 6mm to 20mm.

3. Materials: Poplar, Pine or combination according to customer`s request.

4. Glue: MR, Melamine glue, WBP, MDI

5. Density: About 600kg to 650kg

6. Grade: Packing , construction and furniture,etc.



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Luli Group Co.,Ltd. , https://www.cnluli.com

