
Three kinds of seeds processing technology

One, more flavor sunflower seeds

(1) Raw material formula: 100 kg of sunflower seeds, 5 kg of pepper, anise (octagonal) 1 kg, 3 kg of cumin, 10 kg of salt, and 20 g of saccharin.

(2) Production method: Add appropriate amount of clean water to the iron pan (submerge the sunflower seeds), put various ingredients into the water and boil, and pour the sunflower seeds into boiling for 1-1.5 hours and turn them frequently. Remove the sunflower seeds and heat them in sacks or coarse cloth pockets. Rub them repeatedly with your hands to remove the black skin from each sunflower. Then pour it out and dry it. After screening and grading, pour into the pot and fry until the sunflower seeds are crisp and the white skin is slightly yellow. Sealed in plastic bags.

Second, salt and pepper squash

(1) Raw material formula: pumpkin seeds 100 kilograms, pepper powder 5 kilograms, salt 15 kilograms, boiling water 50 kilograms.

(2) Processing method: Put the salt and pepper powder into the cylinder, pour the boiling water, pour into the pumpkin and mix well, let stand for 5 hours, turn over twice in the middle. Remove and spread out on a bamboo mat to dry. Pour the river sand into the pot and stir it over with a stir. Pour pumpkin seeds and stir fry. When you hear a buzzing sound, fry for another 5 minutes. Then leave the fire, sieve the sand, spread it and cool it.

Three, ten fragrant seeds

(1) Formula of raw materials: 100 kg of black watermelon seeds, 1 kg of fine shell ash, 300 g of fennel, 12 kg of salt, 1.5 kg of anise, 300 g of Chinese roasted pepper, and 300 g of public cloves, 500 g of licorice, shan shan, and cinnamon.

(2) Processing method: Grind the above spices separately. Put the watermelon seeds in the tank, add the fresh water to the seeds, and add the fine shell ash to stir. After soaking for 10 hours, remove the seeds, rinse with water and drain. 30 kg of clear water is boiled with slow fire, and spices such as licorice, fennel, and Shanna are added. After 30 minutes, the seeds are put into the mix. Then boil over with high heat, add salt and mix well, cover and cook for 1 hour. Switch to micro-fire and add pepper and male cloves. After the ceasefire, allow the seeds to stand in the pot overnight. In the morning, the melon seeds will be filtered out and spread on bamboo mats until crisp, add appropriate amount of sesame oil and allspice.

We sell kinds of tea, made in China. Main product is Green Tea, also have black tea.

Green Tea

Green Tea,Green Tea Organic,Green Tea Packets,Pure Green Tea

Chengdu Minghe Agriculture Co.,Ltd , http://www.cdmhny.com

