
The technical principle of pig breeding in fermentation bed

Construction of a fermentation bed using efficient and beneficial microbes and litter in a pig house. Pigs directly place excrement on the fermentation bed, using the pig's arching habits, and artificially assisted turning over of pig manure, urine, and bedding. Fully mixed, through the decomposition and fermentation of beneficial fermentation microbial colonies, the pig manure and urine organic substances are fully decomposed and transformed. The technical principle of pig breeding in the fermentation bed is basically the same as the principle of decomposition of farmland organic fertilizer. The key is the selection of the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the litter and the fermenting microorganisms. The core of its technology lies in the construction and management of a "fermentation bed." It can be said that the efficiency of the "fermentation bed" determines the economic efficiency of the pig raising method.

1. Using the principles of air convection and solar elevation angles, local construction of pig houses makes full use of the air flow in different seasons to build pig houses. The pig houses are equipped with adjustable ventilation facilities such as shutters to control the flow and flow rate of the air in the houses. Pighouse roofs and windows should fully consider the rules of the sun.

2. Use bio-fermentation principle to treat excreta to solve the problem of environmental pollution Due to the continuous growth and reproduction of fermenting microorganisms, the excreta produced by pigs is rapidly decomposed to achieve the effect of treating excrement.

3. Using the greenhouse and pavilion effect to improve the body temperature of the pigs, the insulation curtains will be lowered in the winter. The entire pig house becomes a greenhouse, and the fermentation bed also generates considerable heat, which has a very good improvement in the abdominal temperature of the pigs. Similarly, in the summer, the pigs felt very cool because of the effect of similar pavilions such as sweeping winds, drafts, etc., due to the almost open windows.

4. Using the principle of occupation of beneficial bacteria to enhance the disease resistance of pigs, raise the efficiency of breeding and the quality of the pathogens of pork. The basis for pathogenic bacteria is to reach a certain concentration, due to the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms such as fermenting microorganisms, in bed, air In every corner of China and even in pig houses, there are beneficial bacteria that make beneficial bacteria the dominant bacteria and form a natural barrier against pathogens. Even with the stimulation of a very small amount of pathogenic bacteria, the pigs can only produce a specific immune response, so that the pigs can form a strong protective force.

In a word, the fermentation bed pig raises new requirements for pig house construction, feeding and management, bio-safety system construction, diet preparation, disease prevention and control, etc. on the one hand, and on the other hand it provides good fermentation microorganisms on the one hand. The cultivation conditions allow them to quickly absorb the excreta of the pigs. On the other hand, they must also ensure that the pigs are provided with a good living environment to meet the needs of the pigs in different seasons and physiological stages so as to increase the breeding efficiency.

Fermenting Bed Pig Benefits

(a) Fermenting of pigs in a fermentation bed is to protect the environment in terms of social benefits. No odor around the house, zero emissions, solve the problem of pollution from the source

In order to curb the severe environmental pollution caused by the rapid development of the large-scale livestock and poultry breeding industry in recent years, the state has issued a series of policies and regulations, and each production company is actively responding to it. At present, most of the large-scale farms use ecological standards such as standard discharge, planting and breeding balance, and biogas ecology. However, in actual application, it is found that these models either have high operating costs and have low economic efficiency, or require large-scale facilities.

The fermentation bed pig-raising method is different from the conventional traditional pig-raising method. The pig manure and urine can be stored in the pig house for a long period of time. It does not discharge outwards and does not flow around. The entire finishing period does not require removal of faeces, and can be taken once after the pigs are slaughtered. Sexual removal of feces does not affect pig development. Because of the addition of microbial strains in the pig's feed and bedding, this will facilitate the decomposition and conversion of protein in the feed and reduce the odor of the feces; meanwhile, in the litter fermentation bed, the litter, excrement and residual feed are microorganisms. A steady stream of nutritious food is constantly being decomposed, so there is no sight of fecal waste skunks in the bed. Throughout the fermentation bed, pigs and litter, pig manure, residual feed, microbes, etc. form an “ecological chain.” The fermentation bed is like an ecological factory. It is constantly running water, litter, pig manure, Organic foods such as residual feeds are recycled through the “central” fermentation bed strain. Microbes “eat” litter, pig manure, and residual feed. Pigs “eat” microbes (including various fungal hyphae, bacterial proteins, Metabolites of functional microorganisms, trace elements decomposed by fermentation, etc.). The entire pig house has no residue and no residue, no fecal waste is generated, and the internal fermentation temperature of the fermentation bed can reach 60 to 70 degrees, which can kill the feces. Eggs and germs, clean and sanitary, make the flies and mosquitoes lose the foundation for survival. Therefore, they are very hygienic and clean in a pig-type pig house, and it is difficult to see flies. The air is fresh and there is no odor.

(B) the economic performance of the fermentation bed

(1) The environment is superior, the incidence is reduced, and medication is reduced.

The environment inside the fermentation bed is superior, “cool in winter and cool in summer” and warm in winter, because the mixture of litter, pig manure and residual feed is rapidly fermented and decomposed under the action of fermenting bed strain feces fermentation agent to generate heat and the bottom temperature can reach 40 to 50 degrees, even up to 60 to 70 degrees in the middle, the surface temperature maintained at 25 to 30 degrees. This winter environment can prevent pigs from getting cold and getting sick. Cool in the summer and the plastic film is a pergola around the summer, and the coolness is not only related to the temperature but also the humidity. The temperature of the fermentation bed is not infinitely increased, and it can be controlled by humans. It is assumed that when the temperature in the fermentation bed rises to near or above the indoor or outdoor temperature, hot air rises, cold air enters from the periphery, convection occurs, the temperature drops rapidly, and a cool feeling is also generated. At the same time, because there is no waste of urine and feces in the circle, it looks dry and does not produce the feeling of hot and humid stuffiness. In the summer, pig manure can be avoided, and more wet and stinky, affecting the occurrence of respiratory diseases and digestive tract diseases. The pigs living in the fermentation bed are the most comfortable all year round. The pigs are in free and easy living environment, and their ability to resist various diseases is enhanced, and the number of veterinary drugs and vaccines used is decreasing.

(2) Save labor and improve efficiency.

Common piggery removes excrement and urine takes up a large amount of labor. The fermentation bed lazy pig raising method eliminates the cleaning of the pigsty. The main task is to add feed, and then install the automatic food trough and automatic drinking device in the pig house circle. One person can raise thousands of live pigs and increase labor efficiency by more than 60%, which is conducive to the scale and industrialization of live pigs.

(3) Save water, coal, and feed, and reduce the cost of feeding.

Conventional feeding requires a large amount of water to flush the pig manure, and the fermentation bed lazy man pig-raising method dispenses with flushing water, as long as drinking water is available, so water is saved by 90%. The “cool in winter and cool in summer” environment saves a lot of coal. The mixture of the litter in the fermentation bed, the pig manure and the residual feed is fermented by the fermentation bed seed fermentation agent, and decomposes or degrades many beneficial substances, such as the mycelium, trace elements, and proteins of the actinomycetes growing, Moreover, the wood fibers and semi-fibers in the sawdust can also be degraded and converted into easily fermentable sugars, which all play a very important role in the growth of the pig. The pigs fed through the arches provided a certain amount of nutrition to the pigs, thereby reducing the supply of concentrate feed. According to preliminary experiments, it was shown that 20% of the concentrate feed can be saved, and the average daily gain is higher than that of pigs that have not used the fermentation bed by one or two hundred grams. .

(4) Fermentation of pigs is a principle that takes care of the physiological and psychological welfare of pigs.

This is one of the major contributions of the fermentation bed to the pig industry: taking into account the needs of the pig's psychophysiology and returning to the nature of the pig. This is the latest breeding technology model and tries to return to animal nature as far as possible.

We already know that the various stress behaviors of pigs will cause all kinds of troubles for pig farmers, such as pig disease, low mood, slow growth, and increased feed consumption. For example, feed conversion, injections, weaning, and changing the bar , transportation, sudden weather changes, etc.

Fertility beds raise pigs to provide pigs with a comfortable psychological environment. Pigs live comfortably, have fun, have a cheerful mood, naturally have fewer attacks, and have the sensation of illness (especially at the stage of leaving the sow for weaning). Such as weaning syndrome also greatly slowed.

Therefore, many pigs raised on the concrete floor are often diseased when they are moved to the fermentation bed. Some diseases that are difficult to treat are often left untreated, and they are comfortable, eat more, digest well, and consume feed. Natural decline.

Some people worry that this will increase the amount of pigs exercise, will reduce feed remuneration and increase material consumption. In fact, the practice has proved that, on the contrary, pigs in the fermentation bed reduce the consumption of feed and increase the benefits. This is because the pig’s psychological physiology is met. , The so-called living comfort, happy mood, no psychological pressure, but the increase in the production of meat than the ground culture methods, at the same time, appropriate exercise will help improve lean meat and pork quality; second, because the fermentation bed in excrement Partially converted to bacterial proteins, allowing pigs to eat, increasing the source of feed.

More details about the exciting content of fermentation bed, fermentation agent, microbial fertilizer, please pay attention to the Jinbao fermentation bed official website (), Huaxia Kangyuan Taobao factory shop (https://bjhxky.taobao.com), Alibaba (https ://hxky168.1688.com) or call our hotline: 010-62110749 63623048 13269217468 Free hotline

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