
Roots vacuum pump boot and operation precautions introduced

[Roots] Asia Pump Network News Roots vacuum pump productivity development, expanding product use and performance play, through the upgrading of product strength, and constantly improve the use of products and improve quality performance, thereby accelerating the performance of equipment applications to high-quality Practical levels continue to enhance the driving performance of their products, so that the use of various fast play exemplifies the ability to use products to enhance, thus accelerating the use of products and the driving force of quality. Roots vacuum pump start-up and operation precautions Introduction Preparation before starting to check the water pump (front pump) tank level reaches 3/4 above the tank, if insufficient, make up. Check the water used in the tank is clean, does not allow the sewage containing sediment, so as not to plug the pipeline, Roots vacuum pump to increase the pump impeller wear and tear, increase the motor load failure, affecting the water pump life. Check the middle pump and the main pump body lubricating oil surface height, must be up to 3/4 of the oil window, Central vacuum equipment at the same time check the color of oil, Roots vacuum pump milky white or black impurities are more notice repair replacement lubricating oil. Roots vacuum pump check the pump and the main pump cycle cooling water is intact, open the cooling water inlet and outlet valves, check whether the circulation of cooling water is normal. Check the bottom of the middle pump buffer tank drain valve is closed. Check the vacuum pump circuit intact and control cabinet instructions are normal. Check the vacuum pump unit electrode contact pressure gauge intermediate pump, the main pump start pressure is normal (intermediate pump start inlet pressure of 0.065Mpa above, the main pump inlet pressure of 0.085Mpa above). Until the above check is completed, confirm the correct before starting the vacuum unit. Operation Notes Vacuum unit in the course of operation should be uniform sound, no noise and no abnormal irregular vibration in operation. Pay attention to the motor load and temperature rise of various parts of the pump. Under normal circumstances, the maximum temperature rise of the Roots vacuum pump shall not exceed 40 ℃ and the maximum working temperature shall not exceed 80 ℃. In the event of an oil spill, stop work immediately and check and repair after pressure relief. Roots vacuum pump does not allow the phenomenon of oil spills, still continue to work or pressure for overhaul. In the work must ensure the normal circulation of cooling water out. Roots vacuum pump vacuum unit start: open the middle pump and the main pump cooling water inlet and outlet valves to ensure that the cooling water circulation is normal. Close the water pump buffer tank blowdown valve, start the water pump, to be operating normally (motor and pump noise equalization), slowly open the front water pump bypass valve and Roots vacuum pump inlet valve. After the system pressure reaches the allowable inlet pressure set by the intermediate pump, start the intermediate pump. If the automatic control block is used, the system automatically dials the automatic control block, and the start-up process of the unit is automated. Such as manual control, when the intermediate pump outlet pressure reaches the main pump to allow the inlet pressure, start the main pump. Roots vacuum pump shutdown operation Control unit vacuum cabinet into the manual control gear, close Roots vacuum pump inlet valve, and the vacuum system partition. Press the main pump, the middle pump before the water pump sequence, step by step to stop the pump, stop the wrong program. Stop water pump in the pre-stop, first open the water pump buffer tank drain valve, stop the pump shut down. (Editor: Li Juan)

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