
Grafting Seedling Culturing Technique of Watermelon

Watermelon wilt is one of the major diseases that threaten the production of watermelon. The most serious damage to watermelon and the damage caused by it are the top of all watermelon diseases. Grafting and root-changing cultivation can effectively prevent the occurrence of this disease.
1 There are many varieties of rootstocks and scions used for cultivating rootstocks. The current application areas are: Chaofeng F1, Longkong melon, Round gourd, Long-neck gourd, Acacia, Warrior, Xintuzuo. When grafting from the soil (ie, when the rootstock is removed from the soil when grafting), the rootstock can be sown in a seeding box or a seedbed and sowed at a seeding density of 1 500 to 2,000 seeds per square meter. When grafting without grafting (ie, rootstock is not taken out from the soil when grafting), it should be sowed in a nutrient solution and one seed per germinated seed. Scion seed sowing is mostly used for sowing. In general, about 2000 seeds are sown per square meter. See the nursery part after sowing.
2 Seedling period of rootstock and scion In order to meet the optimum grafting period of rootstock and scion, the sowing time of both must be adjusted; when the melons are used as rootstocks and the top cutting and picking are adopted, the rootstock is sown 12 to 14 days before grafting. The scions were sown 6 to 7 days before grafting. When using the grafting method, the rootstocks were sowed 8 to 10 times before grafting, and the scions were sown 12 to 15 days before grafting, that is, the scions were sowed 4 to 5 days earlier than the rootstocks. When pumpkins are used as rootstocks, they are sowed at the top and pods, and the rootstocks are planted 7 to 10 days before grafting. The scions are planted 6 to 7 days before grafting, and they can also be sown at the same time. When using the grafting method, the rootstocks are grafted 8 days sowing, scion 12-15 before grafting sowing.
3 watermelon grafting methods are the most commonly used plug, splicing, by three.
Plugging method, first use the blade or bamboo sticks to cut the growing point of the rootstock and side buds, and then use a bamboo stick tip to insert a hole obliquely along the epidermis's epidermis at a 75-degree angle from the junction of the anvil vein and the growth point. The depth is 7 to 10 mm. The tip of the bamboo stick does not scratch the outer skin, and the fingers of the stem slightly feel the sign. With the blade from the scion cotyledons 1 to 1.5 cm under the cut into a slant, the slope length of 7 to 10 mm, and then the scion cut face down into the hole, so that the rootstock and the scion cut surface closely, while making the rootstock and scion cotyledons Cross shape.
In the splicing method, the growth point of the rootstock is first removed, and the blade is split longitudinally by 1.0 to 1.2 cm from the middle of the two cotyledons along the hypocotyl side. Be careful not to split the entire hypocotyl. Then the watermelon scion hypocotyl on both sides of each cut a knife, cut noodles length 1.0 ~ 1.2 cm, the scioned scion inserted into the rootstock gargle, gently flattened with the thumb, with a graft clip or plastic film tie.
By the method of connection, the growth point of the rootstock is first removed, and the upper end of the hypocotyl of the rootstock is close to 0.5-1.0 cm at the cotyledon node, and a blade is used to cut the blade at a 45 degree angle, and the depth reaches 1/3 to 1/1 of the hypocotyl. 2, about 1 cm long. Then make a 45-degree upward taper at the corresponding part of the scion, 1/2 to 2/3 of the depth of the embryonic axis, the same length as the rootstock interface. Finally, from the top down, the rootstocks and the scions are aligned with each other (intercalation), and they are tied together with grafting clips or mulch tapes so that the cut surfaces are closely combined.
4 Planting and management of grafted seedlings Grafted seedlings from the soil should be planted in a timely manner in the nutrient bowl of the seedbed. When used for docking, the rootstock should be separated from the base of the scion by 1 cm. When planting seedlings, the interface should be about 3 cm above the soil surface. Disinfect with 800 to 1000 times of chlorothalonil spray, and put a small arch shed. Two days after grafting, the daytime temperature is required to be 25-28°C, not lower than 20°C, and the soil temperature is 26-28°C. After grafting for 36 days, the daytime temperature is controlled to 22-28°C, and the nighttime is 18-20°C, and the soil temperature is 20-25. °C. 1 week before colonization. The temperature should be 22 to 25°C during the day and 13 to 15°C during the night. Temperature below 10 °C or more than 40 °C will affect the survival rate of grafted seedlings, sunny days should be shading, to prevent high temperatures, night should cover the insulation.
Minimizing the amount of water evaporation from the scion is a determinant factor in increasing the survival rate of grafted seedlings. In order to maintain the humidity, the seedbed shall be irrigated before planting, and a small arch shed is sealed 2 to 3 days after grafting. After 3 to 4 days after grafting, it is necessary to gradually reduce the humidity. In the early morning and early evening when the humidity is relatively high, ventilation and dehumidification are carried out, and the ventilation time and ventilation volume are gradually increased. 10 to 12 days after the management of the general seedbed management.
After grafting, the roof of the shed was shaded with a cover to prevent high temperature and direct light from causing the scions to wither. From the 3rd day after grafting, the coverings were scattered in the morning and evening to receive scattered light for about 30 minutes; the 4th to 5th days were separated. Give light for 1 hour and 2 hours; after 5 days, gradually increase the amount of transmitted light and extend the light transmission time depending on the growth condition of seedlings; after only 1 week, shading only before and after noon, gradually remove the covering, and strengthen ventilation, often refining seedlings; 10 After 12 days, it is managed according to the management method of the general seedbed.
5 Other management Replanting seedlings After 10 to 13 days after grafting, the subclade's hypocotyls can be cut from 0.5 to 1.0 cm below the interface, and the scion's hypocotyls are completely removed from the root base. When the grafted seedlings passed the slow seedling stage, the scion began to grow new leaves, which proved that the grafted seedlings had survived. After about 10 days of grafting, the binders such as grafting clips should be promptly removed so as not to affect the growth and development of the grafted seedlings. Although the rootstock is removed from the graft when it is grafted, lateral buds can still germinate in the cotyledonary node and should be removed at any time.

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