
Equinox solar health diet

The spring equinox is midsummer. At this time, the body's liver qi is wang and kidney qi is small. Therefore, in the diet, it is necessary to quit the acid and increase the phlegm, help the kidney and liver, and at the same time, due to liver qi, easy to spleen earth, more rain, prone to dampness, Should pay attention to spleen and stomach health, spleen and dampness. Diet can eat ginger, onion, scallion, leeks, yam, oysters, potatoes, broccoli, chicken, eel, eel, etc., can also be combined with diet for conditioning. Here are some food recipes that are suitable for the health of the spring equinox.


White burning squid

[Ingredients] Carp 500 grams, Rice wine, light blue, ginger, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and the amount.

[practice] The carp bones and viscera, washed and cut into inches for spare. Pour vegetable oil into the pot until it reaches the Qicheng fever. Put the squid section, onion, and ginger. Add rice wine, salt, and a small amount of water. Stir in a small fire until cooked. Sprinkle with pepper.

[Efficacy] make-up loss, stop blood in the stool. For postpartum imaginary hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids hemorrhage, diarrhea, sepsis, and visceral detriment are particularly effective.

Note: Regardless of the method used to cook squid, don't forget to serve pepper.

Eucommia kidney flower

[ingredients] 12 grams of Eucommia, 250 grams of pig kidney, onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, vinegar, soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, dry starch, salt, white sugar, vegetable oil, monosodium glutamate the amount.

[practice] to 50 ml of eucommia bark with frying sauce (add starch, Shaojiu, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, salt, white granulated sugar, crushed into three copies of wolfberry juice stand-by). Remove the lumbosacral fascia from the pork loin slices, cut it into kidneys, and dip it into a bowl of wolfberry sauce. Scallions, ginger and garlic are cut and cut into pieces respectively.

Heat the wok over a large heat, pour in vegetable oil until it reaches 80% of the heat, add the pepper, wait until the aroma comes out, put in the kidneys, onion, ginger, garlic, stir-fry quickly, add wolfberry juice, stir fry for a few minutes, add another Serve with vinegar sauce and vinegar and stir well.

[Efficacy] strong bones, lower blood pressure.

The medicines and foods were used in combination to play kidney, bone, and blood pressure. Eat without disease, it can also strengthen bones and muscles.

Garlic burned eggplant

[Ingredients] 25 grams of garlic, eggplant 500 grams, onion, ginger, starch, soy sauce, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil, broth amount.

[practice] Wash the eggplant pedicle, cut it into two, cut a cross knife on the surface of each petal, and cut a rectangular block of 4 cm in width and 2 cm in width (do not cut it). Wash the onions and ginger and chop them. Wash the garlic and cut it into two.

Heat the wok over a large heat and pour in vegetable oil. When it is hot, place the eggplant in a pan and fry until it sees a yellow color. Then put in ginger, soy sauce, salt, garlic cloves, and broth. Afterwards, use a slow fire for 10 minutes, turn it over, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and mix it with sugar and starch and mix it with water. Add the sauce and mix well and add MSG to the pot.

[Efficacy] cooling blood to stop bleeding, swelling and pain. More used in patients with bloody stools, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, purple spots and other illnesses.

This party took the characteristics of cold eggplant, cold blood, scattered bruises, dampness, pain, the effectiveness of pain, with Xin Wen of the garlic, can warm the spleen and stomach, line qi stagnation, eliminate disease, solution cult poison. Vitamin D, which is rich in eggplant, enhances blood vessel elasticity and prevents bleeding from small blood vessels.

Bird's nest stew rock candy

Material: 10 grams of bird's nest, 15 grams of crystal sugar.

Practice: First soak the bird's nest with warm water. After the bird's nest is soaked, you can use the dumplings to clean up the tiny swallows and other debris, drain the soaked bird's nest, add the appropriate amount of fresh water, pour the stew, add sugar, and separate the water. Small fire stew for 1 hour.

Efficacy: The bird's nest has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening dryness and replenishing qi. It has the effect of nourishing yin, regenerating fluid, and relieving cough. Bird's nest stew rock candy can not only nourish Yin Runzao, but also the role of skin moisturizing. If you do not like sweets, the public can also stew bird's nest with lean meat soup, chicken soup and so on. It also has the same effect.

Abalone Longan Ophiopogon Soup

Materials: 250 grams of fresh abalone, 30 grams of longan meat, 30 grams of Ophiopogon, and 250 grams of sugar cane.

Practice: Wash the abalone first, add longan meat, Ophiopogon japonicus, slice sugar cane, add lean meat soup, appropriate salt, simmer for 1 hour.

Efficacy: Abalone can nourish yin and benefit the kidney, calm liver and yang, calm and tranquilize; Ophiopogon yin and lungs; longan meat tonic heart and spleen, nourishing the nerves; sugarcane Shengjin bath, heat diuretic. This soup is suitable for the five internal organs, labor cough, upset insomnia, dizziness.


茯苓 15 grams, 200 grams of rice, crystal sugar amount. Wash the glutinous rice and glutinous rice together into a pot, add appropriate amount of fresh water, and make the fire to boil, then cook it over a low heat until the porridge is cooked and rice rotten. Transfer the rock sugar to cook it, and it has the effect of spleen and dampness.

Taizi Shen Jujube Tangerine Tea

Taizi Shen 15 grams, jujube 5, 3 grams dried tangerine peel. Wash the Taizishen and jujube, together with the dried tangerine peel into the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, decoction, and extract the juice to the slag. The tea can be used on behalf of the tea and has the effect of regulating Qi and stomach.

Pork belly soup

1 pig stomach, 60 grams Atractylodes, ginger 45 grams, 15 grams of pepper, salt amount. Wash the pork belly, remove the oil, put it in boiling water, rinse it, and then dry it. Add Atractylodes Rhizome, Ginger Ginger and Pepper into the belly of the pig, sew the pig's belly, place a small hole in the belly of the pig's belly, place in clean water, and boil over the fire. Cook over low heat for 2 hours and add seasoned salt. Remove the pork belly, cut into pieces, eat soup and eat pork belly. This soup-style warm and cold, Spleen Qi Qi effect, especially for people with spleen and stomach Deficiency.

Daisy porridge

15 grams of chrysanthemum and 100 grams of glutinous rice. Wash the chrysanthemum and wash the glutinous rice. Chrysanthemum, glutinous rice put pot, add the appropriate amount of water, stamped, stir and boil, simmer gently until the porridge. This porridge spreads heat, clears fire, and lowers blood pressure. More suitable for dizziness, headache, red eyes, swollen boils, primary hypertension.

Traditional convenience foods need to be soaked in boiling water for consumption. Some special people, such as wilderness adventures, tourism, troops, and police officers, cannot be eaten without boiling water. Self-heating rice does not need boiling water when cooking, no need for thermal power, tear open the outer packaging, pour the pure water bag inside it into the heating bag, the water and the heating bag will automatically mix and heat up, steam the rice and the dishes, 8-15 minutes Edible.
Decommissioning the ingredients of the Self-Heating Rice heating package: Inventing a multi-purpose self-heating bag, mainly using roasting diatomaceous earth, iron powder, aluminum powder, coke powder, activated carbon, salt to form a bag, which can be heated to 60 °C It can be used for heating in winter, medical hot compress, adding quicklime, sodium carbonate and water. The temperature can be raised to 120 °C to heat meals or steamed food. The temperature is kept for 20 minutes to 100 ° C for 60 minutes and 60 ° C after 60 minutes. The material used in the winter heating and hot compressing can be repeatedly used, and after being used, it can be mixed with quicklime and sodium carbonate, and then heated to heat the food.

Convenience Rice

Convenience Rice,Fast Food Rice,Self-Heating Rice,Chicken Self-Heating Rice

Ningxia Saiwaixiang Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.nxswxfood.com

