
Design Parameters and Characteristics of Electromagnetic Speed ​​Controlled Screw Pump / Stepless Speed ​​Controlled Screw Pump

[Asia pump network] single screw pump is widely used in China, its most prominent feature is the media adaptability, smooth flow, small pressure pulsation, self-priming capacity, which is no alternative to any other pump. G-type screw pump I produced, reliable quality, the implementation of Three Guarantees, the price is relatively low, while ensuring the normal supply of spare parts. According to the requirements of the transmission medium made of food-grade stainless steel screw pump. Electromagnetic speed screw pump / stepless speed screw pump design parameters and features Single screw pump product advantages: 1) in the speed range can achieve a balanced stepless speed regulation; 2) no-load start, reduce the motor starting current; 3) Control method is flexible and can realize automatic control; 4) obvious energy-saving effect and low price; 5) small size and convenient operation; 6) small maintenance work and long service life; 7) wide range of application, Speed ​​(such as 10 KV high-voltage motor), but also for low-voltage low-power motor speed control (such as 380 V blender); 8) constant pressure accuracy, up to ± 0.002MPa; Adjustable to prevent the pump reverse; 10) pump flow size can be adjusted by the electromagnetic governor. Single-stage, by the gear speed, electromagnetic speed motor plus gear or variable speed motor with gear speed performance parameters Model Pressure 0.3Mpa Pressure 0.6Mpa Adjustable speed rpm (r / min) Flow (m3 / h) Motor Power (kw) Revolution (r / min) Flow (m3 / h) Motor Power (kw) Revolution (r / min) Flow (m3 / h) Motor Power (kw) G20-1 960 0.96 0.75-6 960 0.8 0.75-6 Grade 125-1250 0.1-1.5 1.1 720 0.8 0.55-8 Grade 720 0.5 0.75-8 Grade 510 0.4 0.55-4 Grade / Gear Box 510 0.3 0.75-4 Grade / Gear Box G25-1 960 2.4 0.75-6 Level 960 2 1.5-6 level 125-1250 0.1-3 1.5 720 1.5 0.55-8 level 720 1.27 1.1-8 level 510 1.08 0.55-4 level / gearbox 510 0.9 1.1-4 level / gearbox G30-1 960 3.6 1.5 -6 level 960 3 2.2-6 level 125-1250 0.2-4 2.2 720 2.28 1.1-8 level 720 1.9 1.5-8 level 510 1.63 1.1-4 level / gearbox 510 1.35 1.5-4 level / gearbox G35-1 720 4.8 2.2-8 level 720 4.04 3-8 level 125-890 0.3-5,3 510 3.36 1.5-4 level / gearbox 510 2.8 2.2-4 level / gearbox 380 1.92 1.1-4 level / gearbox 380 1.60 1.5-4 Class / Gearbox G40-1 510 6.8 2.2-4 Class / Gearbox 510 5.6 Class 3-4 / Gearbox 125 890 0.3 ~ 10 4 380 5.1 1.5-4 Class / Gearbox 380 4 2.2-4 Class / Gearbox 252 2.65 1.1-6 Class / Gearbox 252 2.2 1.5-6 Class / Gearbox G50-1 510 13.8 4-4 Class / Gearbox 510 11.5 5.5-4 class / gearbox 80 ~ 750 1 ~ 18 5.5 380 10.2 4-4 class / gearbox 380 7.5 5.5-4 class / gearbox 252 5.6 3-6 class / gearbox 252 4.4 5.5- Class 6 / Gearbox G60-1 510 20.8 7.5-4 Class / Gearbox 510 16 Class 11-4 / Gearbox 63 ~ 630 1 ~ 20 11 380 15.6 7.5-4 Class / Gearbox 380 12 Class 11-4 / Gear Box 252 7.8 5.5-6 Class / Gear Box 252 6 7.5-6 Class / Gear Box G70-1 510 26 11-4 Class / Gear Box 510 20 11-4 Class / Gear Box 56 to 560 1 to 22 11 380 17 7.5 -4 Class / Gearbox 380 13 Class 11-4 / Gearbox 252 9.1 Class 7.5-6 / Gearbox 252 7 Class 7.5-6 Gear / Gearbox G85-1 380 32 Class 11-4 / Gearbox 380 25 15-4 Gear / Gear Box 37 ~ 370 2 ~ 24 15 252 21 7.5-6 Class / Gear Box 252 16 Class 11-6 / Gear Box 189 11 5.5-8 Class / Gear Box 189 8 Class 11-8 / Gear Box G105-1 380 80 Class 15-4 / Gearbox 380 65 Class 22-4 / Gearbox 29 ~ 290 3 ~ 50 22 252 44 Class 15-6 / Gearbox 252 34 Class 22-6 / Gearbox 189 29 Class 11-8 / Gear box 189 22 15-8 gear / gear box G135-1 380 132 37-4 gear / gear box 380 120 45-4 gear / gear box 18 ~ 180 3 ~ 56 45 252 95 30-6 gear / gear box 252 80 37-6 Class / Gear Box 189 65 18.5-6 Class / Gear Box 189 53 30-8 Class / Gear Box Two-stage, by the gear speed, electromagnetic speed motor with gear or variable speed motor with gear speed performance parameters Model pressure 0.8Mpa Pressure 1.2Mpa Adjustable rotation speed (r / min) Flow (m3 / h) Motor power (kw) Revolution (r / min) Flow (m3 / h) Motor power (kw) ) Flow rate (m3 / h) Motor power (kw) G20-2 960 0.96 1.5-6 grade 960 0.8 1.5-6 grade 125-1250 0.1-1.5 1.5 720 0.8 1.1-8 grade 720 0.5 1.5-8 grade 510 0.4 1.1- 4-stage / gearbox 510 0.3 1.1-4-stage / gearbox G25-2 960 2.4 1.5-6-class 960 2 2.2-6-class 125-1250 0.1-3 3 720 720 1.5 1.1-8-class 720 1.27 1.5-8-class 510 1.08 1.1-4 Class / Gear Box 510 0.9 1.5-4 Class / Gear Box G30-2 960 3.6 3-6 Class 960 3 3-6 Class 125-1250 0.2-4 3307 2.28 1.5-8 Class 720 1.9 2.2-8 Class 510 1.63 1.5-4 Class / Gear Box 510 1.35 2.2-4 Class / Gear Box G35-2 720 4.8 3-8 Class 720 4.04 4-8 Class 125-89 0 0.3 ~ 5 4 510 3.36 2.2-4 Class / Gearbox 510 2.8 Class 3-4 / Gearbox 380 1.92 1.5-4 Class / Gearbox 380 1.60 2.2-4 Class / Gearbox G40-2 510 6.8 Class 4-4 / Gearbox 510 5.6 5.5-4 Class / Gearbox 125 ~ 890 0.3 ~ 10 5.5 380 5.1 Class 3-4 / Gearbox 380 4 4-4 Class / Gearbox 252 2.65 2.2-6 Class / Gearbox 252 2.2 3- 6 Class / Gear Box G50-2 510 13.8 5.5-4 Class / Gear Box 510 11.5 7.5-4 Class / Gear Box 80 ~ 750 1 ~ 18 7.5 380 10.2 4-4 Class / Gear Box 380 7.5 5.5-4 Class / Gear Box 252 5.6 3-6 Class / Gear Box 252 4.4 5.5-6 Class / Gear Box G60-2 510 20.8 15-4 Class / Gear Box 510 16 15-4 Class / Gear Box 63 to 630 1 to 20 15 380 15.6 11 -4 Class / Gearbox 380 12 Class 15-4 / Gearbox 252 7.8 7.5-6 Class / Gearbox 252 6 Class 11-6 / Gearbox G70-2 510 26 Class 15-4 / Gearbox 510 20 18.5-4 Gear / gear box 56 ~ 560 1 ~ 22 18.5 380 17 11-4 / gear box 380 13 15-4 gear / gear box 252 9.1 11-6 gear / gear box 252 7 11-6 gear / gear box G85-2 380 32 18.5-4 Class / Gearbox 380 25 22-4 Class / Gearbox 37 ~ 370 2 ~ 24 22 252 21 15-6 Class / Gearbox 252 16 18.5-6 Class / Gearbox 189 11 Class 15-8 / gear 189 8 15-8 gear / gear box G105-2 380 80 30-4 gear / gear box 380 65 37-4 gear / gear box 29 ~ 290 3 ~ 50 37 252 44 30-6 gear / gear box 252 34 30- 6 Class / Gear Box 189 29 22-8 Class / Gear Box 189 22 22-8 Class / Gear Box G135-2 380 132 55-4 Class / Gear Box 380 120 75-4 Class / Gear Box 18 ~ 180 3 ~ 56 75 252 95 55-6 class / gear box 252 80 75-6 class / gear box 189 65 37-8 class / gear box 189 53 45-8 class / gear box speed screw pump Note: 1, the above performance parameters are normal temperature Water test data; 2, for different media, different speed, performance parameters will change, the flow rate value and concentration, viscosity is inversely proportional to the speed is proportional to; 3, the user must be based on the use of requirements, the transmission medium Choose the type of pump selection, or in consultation with the technical department of the company to determine the type of pump; 4, the form of coal-water slurry pump gear speed control for electromagnetic speed motor or mechanical stepless variable speed motor, with the flow Stepless speed changes can be adjusted. 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