
Cough foods that should not be eaten

The weather is getting colder and colder. It has reached the coldest time of the year. Little attention has been paid to catch colds, especially coughing. Some people have a cough for a few days or even a few weeks. If they eat badly or do not sleep well, they are extremely uncomfortable. . Cold cough is not to say that cough medicine is OK, but also pay attention to keep warm, diet should pay attention to, and some foods make cough more difficult to cure. If you want to cough well, you must be taboo. The following foods must not be touched during a cold or cough. Let's take a look.

The following are dietary taboos for patients with cough.


Cold food

Ice cream, cold drinks and other cold foods will hurt the lungs and spleen and stomach, and cough is mostly caused by lung discomfort, so a cold cough should not eat cold foods. In addition, eating cold and cool foods can cause blood vessels to contract and stimulate the throat, causing more serious coughing.

Therefore, you should not eat cold or frozen drinks when you cough. At this time, if the diet is too cold, it will easily cause lung air occlusion, and symptoms will worsen.


Orange peel really has the effect of relieving cough and phlegm, but orange meat is instead hot and raw. However, many people mistakenly believe that eating oranges can cure coughs. This is actually a mistake. Orange peel can relieve the symptoms of coughing, but oranges can aggravate the cough, so do not eat oranges during coughing.

Fatty food

Experts pointed out that cough is caused by hyperactivity of the lungs. At this time, if you eat more fat and sweet flavor, it will produce internal heat, worsen the cough, and the cough is more viscous and less likely to cough up. In addition, fried foods can not be eaten during coughing. Fried foods can increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and help moisturize and replenish phlegm, making it difficult for the cough to heal.


Some people think that eating supplements can make colds and coughs go faster, but during periods of illness, the gastrointestinal function is relatively weak, and the deficiency does not increase the burden on the stomach. It is even more difficult to cough. Tonic will produce heat, increase cough, such as ginseng, longan, red dates and so on.

Sweet and sour food

Folks have the habit of "pear and rock sugar stew" in treating cough. This kind of eating is inappropriate for the early onset of cough (new cough). Because acid foods are often concentrated, it is not easy to cough up, so that aggravate the condition and make it difficult to cough.

Therefore, cough can not eat sweet and sour foods, eat sweets will help heat, so that inflammation is not easy to cure. Especially when the cough is severe, apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, etc. should not be eaten.

Fish, shrimp, crab

During colds and coughs, seafood, such as fish, shrimps and crabs, cannot be eaten. The first reason is that the smell of these foods will irritate the respiratory tract and increase the cough after eating. Second, some allergies must pay attention, and rivers and seafood are prone to dampness. Asthma patients must not eat.

Therefore, cough can not eat fish, shrimp, crabs and other flavored foods, of which the most common ones are white plover and octopus.

Eat peanuts, seeds, chocolate, etc.

The above-mentioned foods contain more oil and grease, and they can easily develop sputum after eating, making the cough more serious.

Eating too salty can easily induce coughing or increase the cough. Because eating too salty can lead to thirst, the water intake increases, and the amount of exercise does not increase accordingly. If there is more water in the body, it will affect the spleen and the spleen will become a health condition. The source of the lungs is a device for storing phlegm. It is not easy to eliminate the accumulation in the lungs and naturally it will cause coughing, so the cough can not be eaten too salty, and the diet is mainly light.

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