
Beef cattle commonly used feed feeding techniques

Wheat bran wheat bran contains 8% to 9% crude fiber, with the most abundant thiamine, niacin, and choline. Wheat gluten is soft, palatability is good, there is laxative effect. The use of wheat bran to feed beef cattle, the amount can not be too much, but can not be fed for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause calcium deficiency, the appropriate amount does not exceed 15% of the diet.

Rice bran contains rich oils and crude protein with a phosphorus to calcium ratio of 17:1. Rice bran has high energy, but it is easily degraded in long-term storage. Therefore, fresh rice bran should be used for compound feed preparation. When preparing, the amount of rice bran should not exceed 30%.

Bean dregs Raw soybean dregs contain anti-trypsin. Anti-trypsin will hinder the digestion and absorption of protein by beef cattle. Therefore, it must be cooked and then fed, otherwise it will easily lead to beef diarrhea. Okara lacks vitamins and minerals, so it should be properly matched with refined, roughage and green feed, and the amount should not exceed 30% of the total amount of feed. Deteriorated bean dregs can never be fed.

Distiller's grains are rich in crude protein, vitamin B, potassium, and phosphate, but they contain less calcium and have alcohol residues. Therefore, they must be fed with green feed and compound feed, and should not be fed to pregnant cows. The rapeseed cake was not detoxified before it was soaked in warm water and boiled, or crushed and then roasted and detoxified and then fed. Rapeseed cake can only account for a small percentage of beef cattle diets.

Sweet potato and sweet potato contain 16% to 26% of starch, and the single feed is incomplete. The raw feed is not easy to digest and absorb. Therefore, the sweet potato should be cooked and fed with compound feed and green feed.

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