
Prevention and Control of Bacterial Spots of Phalaenopsis

Symptoms This disease is caused mainly by Cercospa bacteria, which occurs on the leaves. There is a light yellow circular lesion of 5 mm to 10 mm on the leaf surface. The back of the leaf is accompanied by dusty mildew and black spots. This black color Mildew is a conidia of pathogenic bacteria. The disease occurs in the hot summer months. Some of the more fearful and fearful species in the Phalaenopsis, such as P.lueddemanniana, P.mariae, P. micholitzii, etc., are most prone to occur. The disease is often accompanied by Fatty wounds, medical injuries, and sunburns are caused by watering. When they first occur, they are usually treated with a wettable powder. However, the condition will continue to deteriorate and people feel uncontrollable. Finally, the mesophyll tissue will be necrotic and change. It is like burning black. Prevention methods 1. When entering the summer, pay attention to ventilation at the planting site and use watering at night. 2. When watering the pots, fertilize them directly to avoid spraying the leaves. 3, the diseased plants, moved to a cool place ventilation.

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