
How To Add Lubricant To Routine Maintenance Of Merton Wheel Dosing Pumps?

Milton-meter metering pump in the use must pay attention to routine maintenance, and to give the Milton-meter metering pump to add lubricant is a good way of maintenance, then how to add the lubricant is the right way? Xiaobian take a look at it! Bill Milton metering pump routine maintenance How to add lubricants? 1. Lubricants to be replaced after the initial 250 hours of operation. After every 2500 hours or six months to replace the oil. Check the check valve every six months, according to the actual use of the decision whether to replace. When the ambient temperature is below 100C, the winter lubricant (Mobil 626 etc.) should be replaced. MILTONROY dosing pump / dosing pump troubleshooting: 1. Motor overheating: a. Three-phase power phase loss b. Motor wiring is not correct c. Motor stuck d. Inverter control, the motor long-term operation in low-frequency environment. (Recommended low frequency to 20Hz limit) e. Low temperature environment, the need to replace the low-temperature lubricants 2. Pump outlet no flow: a. Motor does not turn b. Inlet pipe without material or plug c. Inlet and outlet check valve clogging d . Inlet and outlet check valves installed in the wrong direction e. Pump head exhaust is not complete 3. Pump with running noise: a. Worm and worm run normally b. Lube oil filling position is not correct c. Bearing wear d. , The worm meshing gear backlash is too large 4. The impact of noise in the pump body: a. Stroke reversal of the impact of the process of conversion, is a normal phenomenon 5. No change in flow regulation: a. Flow control valve O-ring wear b. Flow Adjust the plunger off the stent c. Pump head exhaust is not complete 6. Pump outlet flow is insufficient: a. Stroke settings are not allowed b. Imported pipe NPSH substandard c. Export pipeline safety valve leak d. Valve wear e. Suction too high 7. Pump body oil level rise, and the oil emulsion: a. Rupture of the diaphragm fluid network in Asia () Editor: Huang Nengwen, QQ:

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