
Winter raising dairy cow "Crossbow"

How to raise dairy cows in winter, according to experience can be summarized into 10 words: built, ground, warm, wet, fine, juice, water, make-up, defense, and net.

Build - build cattle pedigree files, make cattle blood clear. Second, the establishment of cattle disease prevention and control procedures to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and parasitic diseases.

Diligence - Observing the herd of cattle, finding timely diagnosis and treatment of diseased cows; Second, clean and disinfect cows' collars and cows; Thirdly, diligently expose the grasses and utensils to sunlight; Fourth, industriously boil and disinfect working clothes and medical instruments. .

Temperature - In the winter, when the temperature drops below -15°C at night, the cows should be thrown into the quarters overnight to prevent frostbite or excessive energy consumption, thereby affecting their milk production. It is advisable to keep the temperature in the cowhouse in the winter at 10-25°C.

Wet - should pay attention to the ventilation facilities in the barn, the barn humidity should not be too high, its relative humidity should not exceed 60%, otherwise it will cause the cow to be subjected to excessive external water stimulation, resulting in decreased milk production, serious people will suffer Some diseases caused by fungi.

Fine - the main feed for cows to supplement their energy in winter is corn, and in the premise that the protein feed is constant, it is necessary to increase the corn by 20% to 50%. Daily supply of high-yield dairy cows with a daily supply of 35 kg or more of concentrate should reach 6 to 8 kg, and for ordinary cows to supply no less than 3.2 kg per day. Juice - In the winter, cows should be fed more succulent feed such as silage, micro-storage, or brewers' grains to replace the succulent green feedstuff fed by cows in summer and autumn to increase their milk production.

Water - dairy cows avoid drinking ice water, and it is best to heat the water to 10-30°C when drinking cows. In addition, cows need water all day instead of water.

Supplements - 5 to 15 grams of calcium and phosphorus must be formulated daily in the cow's feed. In order to prevent cows from salt poisoning or other undesirable diseases caused by too much salt, try not to add feed to the cows in proportion when making salt supplements to the cows. It is advisable to allow the cows to eat freely, and try to buy salt bricks and salt troughs.

Anti-prevention, cold-proof, moisture-proof, anti-water shortage, anti-suddenly changing the grass and refueling.

Net - to achieve six net, that is, home net, appliances, net feed, drinking water, net air, cattle body net, to create a good health environment for dairy cows.

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