Japanese sweet potato sweet noodles, excellent taste, rich in anti-cancer substances such as selenium, iodine and other elements, nutrients more than other sweet potatoes several times, is urban and rural residents and hotels and restaurants of the best health food. If you use 1--5 kg box or color bag packaging, sales in the supermarket, the price of 10-20 yuan per kilogram, is 10 times that of ordinary sweet potatoes in the market is very sought-after, and considerable benefits. Japanese sweet potato is a precocious variety. 50 days after planting, there is a piece of potato, and within 100 days, there are more than 500 grams of potato chips, which will help seize the market in the off-season. Single tuber 4--6 blocks, uniform size potato block, weight 200--800 grams. General mu yield: 4000--5000 kg of spring potato, and 3,000 kg of summer potato.
Shandong Laiyang Yipin Potato Industry Cooperative
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Dyes And Ink Chemicals ,Plastic Additive ,Nonpolluting Nontoxic Antioxidant
Water Treatment Chemicals and biocides Co., Ltd. , http://www.nspharmainter.com