
Talking about the comprehensive processing of variegated cockroaches and clams

In addition to abundant animal protein, shellfish contain particularly high levels of glycine, taurine and hepatic Tangtang. Shellfish juice is a high-grade condiment and shellfish processing product. It is also a high-level artwork and a high standard cement raw material. However, for many years, shellfish processing has been characterized by a single variety, simple processing techniques, and shellfish resources have not been fully developed and utilized. The following describes the diversified processing and comprehensive utilization of variegated pupa and clams products as follows: 1. Nutrient composition of variegated clams and clams 1. Variety life habits: dioecious, in vitro fertilization, spawning period in September-November, has a very strong adaptability to temperature, salinity, habitat in the riparian coast or inner bay with mudflats, food diatoms, benthic habitat Diatoms, organic debris, etc. Economic value: 100 grams of fresh meat contains 8.1 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat, 2.0 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.6 grams of inorganic salts. Greedy and delicious, economic value and nutritional value are high. 2. Living habits of the clams: The reproductive period is from June to October. China's coastal areas are distributed, living in the period of the belt and the surface area of ​​the fine sand, due to changes in water temperature have mobile Xi name, whip, algae, Chaetoceros, heteroclavine and so on. In the Dandong area, cultured shrimp ponds are now used to breed clams, so that individuals grow evenly in size. At the same time, shrimp can be renewed in the pool: Economic value: 100g of fresh meat contains protein of 10.4g, fat group 9g, carbohydrates 1.9g, and organic salt 2.6 Grams. Wenyu is the top grade of Chinese wolfberry, tender meat, delicious and nutritious, can be eaten fresh, can also process dried products and canned food. The oyster shell is the attachment base for artificial breeding of seaweed, and can also be used as high standard cement raw material. Second, the comprehensive processing of variegated clams and clams 1. Living transportation and packaging Currently, the demand for live fleas in the Japanese market is increasing day by day. Due to its ability to adapt to the environment, variegated pythons and clams can survive for hours or even days without death or death. The body cavity contains a certain amount of seawater, which can play a regulatory role after fishing. This will bring certain benefits for storage and shipping, but it will directly affect the quality of the shellfish sorting time, packaging, transportation and other factors. The Dandong area is currently using shrimp pond culture in Wenxuan. Therefore, the following links are discussed: The seawater in the shrimp pond is drained, and then it is discharged out of the pond. In the nylon net, it floats up and down in another seawater shrimp pond. After washing, washing and removing the sediment impurities on the surface, they shall be stacked on the clean canvas provided by Bashang Station and immediately sorted according to the four specifications of 3cm-4cm 4cm-5cm 5-cm-6cm; 3cm, dead cockroaches, rips, and broken shells are stored separately. After sorting, we use a woven bag or sack to press 2 lbg to pass through the pound. After loading it with a squid line, generally one shrimp can produce 14 to 16 tons. Since the outbreak season is autumn and summer, the car transportation should travel at night. People and customs clearance shipments. Live mottlers can also be transported to the dock by ship. After being washed with seawater, the cement floor is cleaned at the pier. The sorting level is the same as above: However, no matter what kind of transport means is used for transport, it must be covered and protected from the sun. Rain prevention measures and methods. The variegated lice and scorpions that are less than 3cm in size are transported to the cannery in the factory, and the cracked rakes are transported to the baking workshop. The crushed shells are transported to the smashing workshop. The original juice clam shell vacuum packaging less than 3cm specifications of variegated clams, clams were transported to the factory Tiantou workshop, washed again with tap water three times, weighed, according to 5 or 6 into the high temperature resistant composite film bag, net weight per bag . It is packed in a hot-press vacuum packaging machine, steam-sterilized copper cooking, temperature technology in 125 Ni, 8 minutes, at the same time to add pressure in the sterilization pot, the pressure is 1-3kg per square meter, and the cooling water is used after sterilization. After the pressure is reduced to room temperature, it is taken out for washing. After drying, it is packed in 12 boxes per small box, each small box is packed in 4 small boxes, and transported by cold storage. The product is characterized by the fact that it can be stored for six months under normal temperature, and it can be packaged and refined, and it is convenient to eat. The taste is maintained in the flavor of the original juice. It is welcomed by customers and its economic value far exceeds that of the raw material itself. 3. Roasted dried products are transported to the roasting workshop by the rip-roofing and frozen processing plants that cannot be exported from the frozen processing workshops. The rips are first peeled off the shells, and the husk-picking method is followed by the frozen broilers. Meat program. After taking the meat, wash it with running water, and then sort out the more complete mutton meat and broken meat. Put the complete mutton meat in 5 grains and 7 grains in two specifications and wear it with a bamboo sash. Rinse once with 50ppm sodium hypochlorite. With a certain concentration of sorbic acid for 10 minutes, the washing and immersing of the smashed meat is the same as above, without stringing: the skewers are placed neatly on the steel mesh and the steel mesh is placed on the steel frame. Above, push people to tunnel drying room, temperature control at about 20 °C, that is, low temperature blast drying, starting to dry for half an hour, after every 7-10 minutes to launch a car, the entire drying room can be designed to place 12-13 Small carts. 100 kg of meat per vehicle. Drying the finished product is done with a large plastic bucket for 3 hours, then baked in a chain oven for 3 minutes and the oven temperature is controlled to 121°C. Due to the small size of the eel, the baking time is long and easy to burn: after baking, it is weighed and packaged. Because of the latter half of the product, it must be stored in cold. In addition, after the raw materials are washed, some seasonings may be soaked according to local customs to prepare spiced, spicy, sweet, multi-flavored roast products. 4. Frozen products (1) The whole-shell frozen product cleans the sediment on the surface of its shells with fresh seaweed and clams, respectively, in seawater. And then the old people hold the sand in the pool. The bottom of the pool should be filled with wood, water inlet and outlet pipes, long running water, the water temperature is controlled at 7-15 neon, not more than 17 neon, the temporary holding pool must have facilities to avoid the sun, air circulation. The spitshave time is 48 hours. Take out the washing and grading according to the export standard. Yao goes to the dead and cracks and transports it to the roasting workshop. The small size, which does not meet the export standard, is shipped to the Toutou workshop. 2 The crushing clams are sent to the crushing workshop: bags of qualified mottled clams and clams are bagged and kept as they are, sent to people for quick freezing between the quick-freeze, the core temperature of the product must reach -15°C, and the quick-freezing time should not exceed 12 hours. (2) Open the frozen product and clean the fresh mottled clams and clams with seawater. When the enemy crushes the c, take the clams on the plate with the left hand, hold the knife with the right hand, and start the knife slowly from the front of the crotch. Slowly insert the lower shell and cut the muscles of the closed shell along the inner surface of the bottom shell, open the shells, and then cut off the shell muscles of the other shell. Take out the first meat. Pay attention to insert the blade not to break the shell, and keep the two shells connected, because the text is sent to the craft processing plant processing exports: the initial meat removed after cleaning according to individual size sorting, weighing and loading, each kind Trick to meet the export standards, 1 kg per plate. Put the plate into the quick-freezing emergency, and the freezing time should not exceed 12 hours. Frozen to the center temperature below -15 °C, out of the library, into the shower to take off, the shower room temperature to be technical in the 4 Ni below, off the plate after the ice. Ice plated water temperature should be controlled around 4 sinks, often changing water, ice plated time is 5 - 10 seconds, remove the polyethylene plastic bag, and then pack the large carton, each carton with 12 boards. After packing into the cold storage, according to commodity inspection requirements. Lots of penalties. (3) Bleaching monomer quick-freeze product This product is basically the same as the process of producing unseasoned frozen products. The difference is that after opening the variegated meat and quail meat, it is placed in a small sieve and the boiling water is 80°C-90°C. Boil for 30 seconds, take out the water to cool, after 10 minutes of draining, quick freezing on the monomer quick-freezing machine to make the center temperature reach. 15°C, Weighing, loading a small sieve for every 2 kg. After sifting into the water for ice glazing, bagging, 6 bags per large carton, packing into inventory. The purpose of bleaching soup is to remove the raw liquid surface of the raw meat, and make the raw meat surface to produce a certain hardness "to facilitate monomer quick-frozen. (4) blocks of frozen boiled oyster meat due to frozen boiled meat in Japan, the selling price is low, so here Does not involve frozen boiled meat.A, temporary stocking and desiccant: the fresh mottled clams use seawater to wash the surface of the sediment impurities, into the perforated plastic sieve, each sieve 8 kg, the thickness of the clams is 6 About centimeters, the plastic sifter is used in the concrete cement pool, and the bottom of the pool must be filled with wood. The inlet and outlet water pipes are provided to maintain the long flowing water. The water depth is about 40 cM. ​​The water temperature is 7-15 °C, and several large cement pools can be set. The zheyangchi should have near-sun facilities, and the zhheye can be out of the pool for 48 hours B. Cooking: After going out of the pool, wash it off again, and put a person who has a volume of o.5 cubic meters in the cooking car. Steam outlet. There is a stainless steel seal cover, the plug has a plug, the bottom of the car is "v" type, the bottom of the bottom of the car box is low from the ground, behind the ground is high, full of noise, then connected with the boiler steam pipe, open steam, After steam dithering, after 8 minutes, close the steam valve and remove the steam pipe. After releasing the variegated sap and pushing the cooking cart to the variegated sap collection box, the head plug is pulled up to about 5 cM so that the variegated simmered sap will flow into the collection box according to its own weight D. Shelling: After excluding juice, push the cooking car to Before the bucket elevator, pull all the plugs from the head, pour the cooked quail into the feed, and drop it into the Shengke bucket of the bucket elevator. Lift it from the bucket elevator to the school rehabilitation Wenban. The feeding end of the first screening section of the dehulling machine falls to the shelling screen through the feed hopper, and the working frequency of the screen body under the driving of the crankshaft is 480 times/minute, and the amplitude is 30 mm to perform the horizontal proofreading movement. The vibration is automatically spread out under the action of the vibration, so that the meat is radiated from the shell. The fledged meat passes through the flute through the flute and falls onto the chain plate type meat transporter. A small amount of non-separated flesh is discharged from the artificial peach, and the flesh can be discharged every hour. Production of 7-8 tons E. Washing;Put the meat into a plastic sieve and put it into a stainless steel tank with a volume of 2m3, rectangular, with a hole in the bottom of the tank, long running water, and turning the water in the tank. , play a role in cleaning and cooling, once every 10 minutes after the vote, F. Sorting: Pour the dumplings on a stainless steel cutting board with a tap on the case, within 300 grains per kilogram, 301-500 grains, 501-700 grains, 701-1000 grains, 1001 grains and more. There are five kinds of specifications, namely, large concave, large N, medium (M), small (S), and small (SS) sizes, and each type is packed in a plastic screen. G, secondary cleaning: The plastic sifter containing the well-chosen meat is washed up and down by two flow sinks. The two sinks are one high and one low, and the water flows from the tall trough to the low trough. When washing, it should be washed in the trough first, and then Wash in the high tank once.H, Drain weighing: Wash the well in the stainless steel rack on the high 40cm drain for 10 minutes, weighing on the scale, each 2kg loaded a plate, and put a pair of specifications label. I. Swing plate, drowning water: Take a clean plate, place a label facing down, then pour it into a well-known bowl, flatten it with another plate, and stick a label, every five The plates were stacked together and the clean water was injected to make the five plates upside down. Five minutes later, the water was turned over and the plate was placed on the cart. J. Quick-freezing: Push the inner plate into the quick-freezing room and place it on the steel rack. Pour water first. Quickly freeze it for 2 hours before injecting water once. The purpose is to prevent the water from being filled for the first time. But do not inject too much water for the second time. The product's delivery, removal, ice-plating, packaging, storage, batch placement, and other processes are the same as those for raw frozen product processing. (5) The process of processing the product in the frozen and slicing process is basically the same as that in the process of freezing and simmering, but only after the water is drained, the freezer is directly put on the freezer so that the center temperature reaches -15 house, and then After each small sieve 2k6 is weighed, towns of ice are clothed with a small sieve glue, packed in plastic bags, packed in large cartons, 6 bags per carton, placed in stock. 5. The clamshell clamshell shells are processed and transferred to the handicraft processing room. The clam shells are carefully selected. After grading and washing according to the specifications, the steel nets of the deceased are equipped with 15 kilograms each. Put in the cement pond with sodium hydroxide. The cement pool is 50cm deep, 1m in length and width, and the concentration of sodium hydroxide is 3%. After soaking and rinsing for 40 minutes, the iron on the clam shell can be detached and then the towel can be used. Wipe the surface and make it glossy. Use a bubble paper or a napkin to wrap each of the clamshells so that they fit into a box that holds the paperboard. Each pair contains 12 pairs of boxes. Each big box holds 10 small boxes. . This product is currently in great demand in Japan market, its economic value far exceeds the value of its meat, currently sold to Japan CIF price has reached 1 yuan / pair. 6. The variegated oyster sauce is used to freeze the variegated sap collected during the process of chilling the variegated quail and precipitate it. The sap is precipitated, and the precipitate is removed. The smut is filtered and then filtered through a sieve to concentrate. Before the concentration, the washed wok is applied with a layer. Peanut oil, pour the filtered variegated sap, so that the water evaporates, while evaporating while adding juice, after the increase in the concentration of firepower should be properly reduced, about 8 hours to see the juice on the surface of wrinkles appear, that is, become rich in nutrients and delicious The variegated oyster sauce is to be cooled and packaged in glass or plastic bottles. 7. Shell powder will be crushed and crushed in the frozen processing workshop and baking workshop. It will be washed in the Wenshi shell, crushed with a grinder, sieved, and made into raw meal. The content of powdered calcium carbonate is over 90%. Good material for medium and high grade cements.

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