
Tian Kuizi

Name: Tiankui Sub Category: Qingre Pinyin: TIAN KUI ZI
Latin: Radix Semiaquilegiae
Alias: Purple back Tiankuzi, Millennium mouse pupae Medicinal parts: Root medicine traits: This product was irregular short columnar, spindle or block, slightly curved, length 1 ~ 3cm, diameter 0.5 ~ 1cm. The surface is dark brown to grayish black, with irregular wrinkles and fibrous roots or whiskers. The top often has stem and leaf residues and is surrounded by several yellow-brown sheath-like scales. Quality is soft, easy to break, cross-section leather is white, wood is yellow-white or yellow-brown, slightly radial. Gas slightly, sweet, slightly bitter.
Cultivation points:
Origin: Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei harvest processing: early summer mining. Wash, dry, remove fibrous roots.
The history of the tunnel:
Tropism of taste: cold; sweet, bitter; liver by the function Indications: detoxification, swelling and Sanjie. Used for carbuncle acne, chylosin, warts, snake bites.
Usage and dosage: Oral: decoction, 3 ~ 9g; powder, 1.5 ~ 3g; or dip. External use: Appropriate amount, application;
Taboo: Spleen and Deficiency people are careful.

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