
Introduction and cultivation of special maize

Corn is an ordinary agricultural product, and it is customary to be classified as "coarse grain" and it is difficult to make an appearance. However, in the past one or two years, a group of “special corn” imported from abroad and cultivated by our country’s breeding experts has become the “darling” of consumers and the market due to its gorgeous appearance and unique taste. In order to make this “darling” a project for farmers to increase production, increase income, and get rid of poverty as quickly as possible, the special maize cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: Variety selection There are a wide variety of specialty corn varieties on the market, and the growth period varies. The varieties with strong competitiveness are: South Korea's Black Baogong, Mexico's "Black Brother" glutinous corn, Thai purple citron, Thailand flower fairy, yellow rose early sticky corn, blood red glutinous sweet corn and so on. According to their own climate characteristics and market demand, localities can select suitable varieties for introduction and cultivation. 2. Isolation and planting of specialty corn, normal corn and different varieties of special corn cannot be planted in the same production area and must be planted under strict isolation conditions. Isolation planting mainly adopts the following three ways. (1) Space segregation: The isolation zone must be selected for the planting of special maize, and no other varieties of maize should be allowed within the range of 200 meters. (2) Time isolation: The sowing time is staggered, so that the special maize and other varieties of corn have different tasseling and flowering periods. Spring sowing is generally 40 days apart and summer sowing is 20 days apart. To be comprehensively considered, sowing too late will affect corn production and spring sowing yield will be the highest. (3) Obstruction isolation: If space and time isolation are difficult to do well, villages, houses, mountains, other high-stalk crops and other obstacles can be used for isolation. 3. Timely sowing, fine cultivation of special corn emergence is neat, a great impact on the yield and quality. The plants grow neatly, the spinning time is concentrated, the pollination time is concentrated, the empty culm rate is low, the seeding rate and the double spike rate are high. (1) Fine soil preparation: The quality of soil preparation has a great influence on the regularity of growth of special corn. It is necessary to do a good job of autumn ploughing and spring hoeing to ensure that the soil is deep, loose, fine, uniform, fat, and wet, so that the emergence of seedlings is neat and robust. (2) Scientific fertilization: In the use of fertilizer to achieve "double, two increase, a reasonable, a light, a match", that re-apply base fertilizer, heavy panicle fertilizer, increase farm manure, increase phosphate fertilizer, rational use Nitrogen fertilizer, light catch Miao Fei, with zinc fertilizer. The base fertilizer accounts for 70% of the total amount of fertilizer. General 667 square meters (1 acre) apply 30 kg of urea, phosphorus 8? 12 kg, potassium chloride 5.8 kg, organic fertilizer 1000. 1500 kg, zinc sulfate 1-2 kg. (3) timely sowing: early sowing early maturing is a key measure to increase the competitiveness of the special corn market, the earlier the listing, the higher the benefits. However, special corn has poor cold resistance, the temperature needs to be stable above 13°C in order to germinate normally, and the greenhouse can be planted 10-20 days in advance with greenhouse nursery mulching or mulching. Taking into account the market and processing capacity, to stage sowing, usually broadcast every 10 days. The seeding depth should be controlled at 2.5 to 5 cm, and 3000 to 3500 plants should be kept per 667 m2 to prevent the density from becoming too large and affecting the product traits. 4. Prevent Diseases and Insecticides to Ensure Harvest of Special Maize During the seedling and growing seasons, it is mainly to prevent and control the damage of corn sheath blight, ground tiger and corn borer. Prevention and treatment of sheath blight should be based on agricultural control, first, increase farm fertilizer, potash fertilizer, with zinc fertilizer: the second is to change crop rotations to avoid successive crop rotation; Third, once diseased plants are found, immediately remove the diseased leaves; In the seedling stage and early stage of disease, 50,000 units of Jinggangmycin were used for leaf stem spray. The seeds were coated with a coating agent to prevent the seedlings from harming the seedlings. During the bell mouth period, the granule furanedan was used to control the corn borer.

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