
Apple bag before and after the management

First, picking time

Picking bags at the right time is a technical measure to obtain good quality fruit. Picking the bag too early, the fruit exposed for a long time, after the wind and rain, the fruit surface is easy to rough, uneven coloring, a long time the sun will darken the color, but also easily lead to pests and diseases; bag picking time is too late, The fruit is light-receiving for a short time, incomplete coloration, light color, low sugar content, poor flavor, and long time fading easily. The appropriate picking time is: yellow and green varieties, should be picked 5 to 7 days before picking; red medium and medium late varieties should be picked 15 days before picking; red late varieties such as Red Fuji should be 20-30 days before picking. Picking time should also be appropriately advanced or delayed according to market demand.

Picking bags is best done in cloudy or cloudy weather. If bags are picked up in sunny days, the fruit bags in the east and north of the canopy should be removed at 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning, and fruit bags in the west and south of the canopy should be removed at 3 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. This can reduce the number of days caused by dramatic changes in light intensity. Burning occurs.

Second, picking method

Bags of apple bags, do not need to pick bags, bags can be stored and sold. Single-layer paper bags and inner and outer one-piece bags should be opened before the 12 o'clock in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. They should be opened at the bottom of the bag or be torn into umbrella-shaped strips on the fruit. After 4 to 6 days, they should be put again. Bag removed.

Double paper bag removal method. The inner layer is a red double-layer paper bag. Remove the outer bag first. After 5 to 7 sunny days, remove the inner bag from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to avoid excessive change of the fruit surface temperature difference. In case of cloudy days, remove the inner bag and push it backwards to avoid re-formation of chlorophyll on the surface of the fruit after bag removal. This will affect the coloring effect. The inner layer is a black double bag, and the bottom of the outer bag is torn first to remove the inner layer. Black bags, then tear the outer bag into strips on the fruit, after 6 to 7 days, then remove the outer bag. Apples with double sets of paper and film will only pick off extra layer paper bags and retain the inner film bags until they are sold.

III. Management before and after bag extraction

There are two main management tasks before and after fruit picking: firstly, promote fruit coloring and strive for full red fruit; second, prevent and control various pests and diseases, and strive to have a bright and clean fruit surface.

1. Spray toner. 40 days before and 25 days before the harvest, each spray of 1 times 200 times liquid of redness agent, 7 days after spraying can see the color increase effect.

2. Pick the leaves. Pick the leaves 3 to 5 days after picking the bags. First, remove the fruit leaves and the fruit leaf shading leaves, and then remove the leaves within 5 cm of the upper part of the crown and the surrounding fruit. Be careful to keep the petiole. Picking leaves can not be too early, too much, the amount of leaves for the whole tree of 10% to 15%, up to no more than 30%, or affect the flower bud differentiation.

3. Turn fruit. After 4 to 8 days after bag removal, fruit transfer was carried out. Within 8 days after bag removal (except for rainy days), the coloring period of the fruit was positive. Four days after bag removal, the positive side of the fruit was almost completely colored. At this point, the fruit is lightly turned 180, and the negative surface is transferred to the positive surface. In 15 to 20 days, the negative surface will be fully colored. The transfer should be conducted on a cloudy, cloudy or sunny day in the morning or in the afternoon, avoiding transfer at noon to prevent sunburn. For fruit varieties with short stems and areas with high temperature differences between day and night, two fruit conversions can be made. Turn 90, 7-10 days before going 90 degrees in the same direction.

4. Shop reflective film. After picking the bag, immediately put a long strip of white reflective film on both sides of the tree tray and the trunk of the tree and compact them with ropes or plastic soil bags. The reflective film can increase the average relative light intensity within the canopy by more than 70%, increase the direct light within the crown of 0.5 to 1 meter below the canopy by 18.6% to 34.1%, and increase the reflected light by 5 times compared to the control tree. The coloration rate of the drooping fruit can reach 98%, the whole red fruit rate reached 85%.

5. Control pests and diseases. After fruit bagging, calcium and some nutrients are consumed in large quantities as the fruit grows. After bag extraction and before harvesting, the fruit still has a period of exposure. Therefore, 2 to 3 days after the fruit is removed from the bag, spray the fruit face with 300 times liquid in time to protect the fruit. If it encounters rain and rain after picking the bag, the fruit is vulnerable to black spot disease, bitter pit disease, pox spot disease, rotten fruit disease, and fruit cracking. After picking the bag, 2 to 3 days, it should be sprayed. Tianda 2116, Nanoxin or Ginseng aggravate calcium for prevention. If the dark spots, black spots, and rotten lines have already appeared on the bagging surface, the systemic fungicide, such as polyoxin, Ginseng, etc., can be sprayed for 2 to 3 days after removal of the bag to prevent the spread of the disease. . However, spraying must be completed 25 to 30 days before picking. Spraying calcium must be sprayed on the fruit surface, but also must be fine spray, spray, spray.

As the bagged fruit is less visible, the sugar content is reduced by about 1 degree. Therefore, in addition to more organic fertilizer, phosphorus, potash fertilizer and other comprehensive management, can be appropriate to postpone the harvest 7 to 10 days in order to facilitate sugar enrichment.

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