
Spring 6 Liver Tea

What kind of tea do you drink in the spring?

1. Juju Yanggan Oolong Tea:

Chrysanthemum appropriate amount, 20 grams of medlar, 5 grams of oolong tea, boiled with water, covered with a little foam for a while after drinking, this tea is rich in carotene, VB, VC, a variety of amino acids and calcium, phosphorus, iron and more The mineral ingredients, which are often used in moderation, have the effects of promoting blood circulation and metabolism, preventing accumulation of hepatic fat, nourishing liver and kidney, and clearing away wind and eyesight. It is also an ideal drink for nourishing the liver and protecting the liver.

2. White chrysanthemum tea:

In spring, accompanied by vigorous liver fire, white chrysanthemum tea has functions such as evacuation of wind-heat, Pinggan eyesight, nourishing the liver, clearing away heat and detoxifying, etc. For exogenous wind-heat or early-onset fever, liver-yang hyperactivity, liver-fire disease, etc. Has a good adjuvant effect, so drinking this tea is suitable for liver and liver;

3. Teas:

Gardenia has functions of tonifying kidney and essence, nourishing liver and eyesight, and nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. It has certain auxiliary effects for kidney yin loss, weakness caused by liver qi deficiency, dizziness, tinnitus, chlorosis, etc., and regular drinking can promote it. Blood circulation, prevention of arterial cirrhosis, so it is recommended to eat wolfberry tea in spring;

4. Honeysuckle tea:

Honeysuckle has the functions of clearing the liver and eyesight, clearing away heat and toxic substances, calming the liver, cooling blood, nourishing blood, nourishing blood, strengthening the defensive function, and the like. Regularly drinking this tea in moderation has good health effects. Therefore, it is also a good season for honeysuckle to protect the liver. Good drink choice.

5. Gehua Tea

Drinking a small amount of alcohol each day is good for the body, but each time you drink too much, it will cause great harm to the body, especially the damage to the digestive tract and liver, especially in the long term, it will greatly increase the risk of liver cirrhosis and fatty liver. The possibility. Experts recommend: The best way to protect the liver is to stop drinking. If you are drunk, it is recommended to drink Gehua tea. Gehua is the flower of Pueraria lobata. It has sobering effect and can be used to make tea.

Want to protect the liver in peacetime, you can try white chrysanthemum tea and wolfberry tea, white chrysanthemum and wolfberry have the role of liver protection. The bergamot flowers and roses are able to soothe the qi, and it is also good to bring tea.

6, chrysanthemum honey drink

Chrysanthemum 50 grams, add 20 milliliters of water, heat for 30 minutes after boiling slightly, add appropriate amount of honey after filtration, and drink after mixing. With Liver and eyesight, thirst, clear the heart and brain, intestines and other effects. Chrysanthemum tea made from white chrysanthemum tea and fine oolong tea is an essential tea for office workers who are exposed to electronic pollution every day.

Because this tea has a detoxifying effect, it has resistance to the harmful chemical and radioactive substances accumulated in the body. Livernet public welfare assistance activities, hepatitis B virus. Early autumn raises liver, life details are hidden in the university

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