
Small concrete pump operation precautions

As the process of urbanization and economic deterioration, small concrete pump because of its convenience and savings and popular. Small concrete pump operators must follow the concrete pump operating procedures. So as to avoid improper use, and cause the following injuries: Small concrete pump operation Notes 1. Concrete splash, sodium silicate or other chemicals cause eye injury. 2. Injury caused by opening the hydraulic pipe joint due to unloading of the hydraulic system. 3. Injury due to tube card, pipe burst, mid-opening 4. Harm caused by contact with electrical wiring 5. Improper working of electrical components or damage to input cable, resulting in electric shock caused by connection of pump and power supply. Due to improper support caused by the pump overturned casualties. 7. Concrete pump delivery pipeline pressure caused by the open pipe injury caused by 8. Small concrete pump work hand into the hopper caused by injury 9. In the piston movement due to the hand into the water tank caused Of the injury 10. During the swing cylinder action, the lubrication pump system overhaul injury 11. The cable inside and outside the protective layer damage 12. Try to stop the agitator or other rotating parts movement caused by injury 13. Electrical control box air switch Connected, the main motor terminal box live, not live maintenance. Do need to be repaired, be sure to disconnect the air switch, otherwise it will cause electric shock injury! 14. Small concrete pump pipe is not fixed so that the pipeline slip or slide the injury caused by 15. The machine can be towed by motor vehicles, No cargo shall be carried and the speed of towing shall not exceed 8km / h 16. This machine is only for pumping pumpable concrete and shall not be used for transporting other materials. When you have to transport other boredom, we should consult with our company beforehand and take the necessary measures before trying out the pump. In the operation of small concrete pump must pay attention to these possible accidents above, encountered can not be solved in time to timely advice concrete pump local technical staff. (Editor: Huang Nengwen QQ:)

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