
Potassium Monopersulfate Compound, provides better solution for your pool care !!!

Potassium Monopersulfate Compound, has the synonyms as Potassium Peroxymonosulfate, is a Chlorine-free and versatile oxidant developed and manufactured by Kylin Chemicals Co Ltd. Potassium Monopersulfate Compound provides powerful non-chlorine oxidation and microbiological effectiveness for a wide variety of industrial and consumer uses.

Kylin Chemicals' Potassium Peroxymonosulfate has been successfully used in the applications of swimming pools disinfection, aquaculture disinfectant, bleaching agent for laundry detergents and household cleaners, municipal sewage and industrial waste water treatment, etc.

Potassium Peroxymonosulfate

Advangates & Benefits

Use Less Chlorine in Your Pool

In a traditional pool care system, chlorine is used as a sanitizer, to kill bacteria, and as an oxidizer, to eliminate organic waste from bathers and the environment. Up to 90% of the chlorine sanitizer is used in oxidizing the organic material-leaving only 10% to control the disease-causing germs and nuisance algae.

Products that contain PMPS provide the oxidation necessary to keep water sparkling clear, so the chlorine is free to sanitize the pool. As a result the chlorine sanitizer lasts longer, so you can use less chlorine throughout the season.

Reduce Eye, Nose, and Skin Irritation

That irritated, burning feeling is likely caused by combined chlorine, a byproduct of disinfection. Combined chlorine, also called chloramine, is formed when large doses of chlorine are used to eliminate organic matter from pool water (chlorine shocking).

Routine use of PMPS removes the organic compounds before they can react with chlorine to form chloramine. That means more fun for you and the family, and fewer red burning eyes and no irritated skin.

Kylin Chemicals manufactures and markets high quality chelants and sequestrants, including EDTA, Tetrasodium EDTA,EDTA Disodium salts, EDTA Tetrasodium salt, HEDP, PBTC, ATMP and DETPMP, etc.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid CAS 60-00-4 EDTA

Our sequestrants are widely used in variety of applications like detergents & cleaners, cosmetics, industrial water treatment, oilfield water treatment, textile dyeing, etc.

Phosphono Polycarboxylic Acid Belsperse 164

EDTA Chelants & Phosphonate Sequestrants

Edta Chelation,Phosphonate Sequestrants,Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid,Phosphino Polycarboxylic Acid

Kylin Chemicals Co., Ltd. , http://www.kylin-chemicals.com

