
How To Prevent Oil Overheated Problems

for using the transformer oil purifier, lube oil purifier, turbine oil purifier, we have to pay attentions to the oil temperature. If it is over heated, the oil quality will be bad. So how to prevent oil overheated problems?

ZANYO oil purifier engineer list the following information:

1. pay attentions to the correct oil level in the oil purifier, to ensure there is enough oil in the oil purifier, and the oil can recycle inner oil purifier

2. to choose the suitable oil purifier. When you choose the oil purifier according to the oil viscosity. If the oil viscosity is too high, the flow speed is slow, heating energy is losing;

3. if the oil quality is bad, friction resistance increased, oil heating is increased

4. Pump must be unloading when system does not work, also often keep enough water in the condenser of the oil purifier


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