
Agricultural Machinery Supervision Archives

Filing refers to the archivists' classification, registration, filing and filing of the received filing materials according to the specified principles and methods, so that they meet the requirements of systematic, organized and scientific management.

File keeping refers to the scientific and reasonable storage and management of archives to prevent loss and destruction, and maintain the integrity and security of archives.

The rules and requirements for the storage of records: 1. A sound system, especially the system for checking the status of records. Always check the storage status of the file and make a record. If any problems are found, take remedial measures in time. Repair damaged file data or perform effective technical processing. 2. Maintain the stability of the file management personnel and not change them arbitrarily. When it is really necessary to switch, it must strictly perform the handover procedure. 3. Copy files must be kept as they are and must not be modified or changed.

The environment and conditions of the archives room: 1. Set up a special archives room for supervision of agricultural machinery. The archives room should be connected to or adjacent to the badges business room so that they can be consulted when doing business; 2. The archives should be dust-proof, moisture-proof, shading, fireproof, Anti-theft, no rodent damage, no bugs, and put fire protectors in place; 3. The archives must be kept clean and must not store items unrelated to the files; 4. Do a good job of guarding confidentiality; 5. Pay attention to the temperature in the control room and Humidity, improve the storage conditions of the file; 6. All kinds of electrical installation should be solid and reliable, it is forbidden to smoke in the file room.

Filing cabinets and file storage methods: 1. File cabinets should be configured according to the requirements for file classification and separate storage. Iron filing cabinets should be used as far as possible. Layers and compartments should be used. Labels can be attached to the upper left corner of the filing cabinet door to indicate the type of file and the starting and ending numbers. In the filing cabinet, the serial number, page number, etc. on the portfolio in the same grid are in a straight line. 2. Use vertical layout, according to the file number from top to bottom, from left to right.

Archival packaging materials should be protected against moisture, shading, dust, and insect-proof materials.

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