
Watermelon, melon main pest control

With the adjustment of planting structure and the rapid development of high-efficiency agriculture, the area of ​​planting melons, sheds, greenhouses and greenhouse watermelon melons has increased year by year. Due to repeated plantings, the source of disease sources has accumulated year by year, resulting in an increase in the number of diseases and insects year after year. The degree increases year by year. In order to control the damage of pests and ensure the high yield, high quality, and high efficiency of watermelon melon cultivation, we must adhere to the principle of “mainly agricultural measures and chemical control as supplements”. The main pest control technologies are introduced as follows:

First, the disease: The disease is the main disease of watermelon, melon seedling stage to the regimental period. The leaf is infected with dark fresh green water and irregular macular lesions, and the latter spreads into a soft rot. The lesions turn brown and break easily. The stem base is infected, and the shuttle-shaped dark green water is immersed in the lesions and surrounds the stem. It rots and finally dies.

Control methods - seed disinfection before sowing, soaking in warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes; sterilizing nutrient soil, adding 50% carbendazim 2 per cubic meter of nutrient soil; mixing in the initial stage of disease, using 500% of the antivirus powder of 64%, 72.2% Prec 800 times or 58% Ledomil (Raymond Manganese Zinc) 500 times spray, spraying again every 7-10 days.

Second, the blight: The disease mainly occurs in the leaves and stems, leaves infected with disease near the initial circular lesions or inwardly from the leaf margin was "V"-shaped light brown lesions, the latter lesions broken, many of its students Black spots are conidia. The stalks grew from sickly oval to fusiform lesions, followed by dry shortening and longitudinal cracks, and overflowed with yellow gums. In severe cases, the leaves were dry and the stems were rotted.

Prevention methods: Avoid watering on cloudy days, strive for even sunny after pouring. After watering in case of continuous rain, pay attention to short-term dehumidification at noon; at the beginning of the disease, use 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, or 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times + 80% of Dasheng (or Yuet Sheng) 800 times; after harvesting; Remove the diseased body in time and reduce the bacteria source.

Third, anthrax: can be the incidence of the entire growth period, the leaves infected with sick round to spindle-shaped or irregular water-soaked spots, sometimes ring pattern, dry lesions easily broken perforated, wet leaves produce a pink sticky Dirty matter; petiole or stalk infected primary disease water-immersed yellowish round spots slightly sag and then turned black, severe circumscisa around a week withered; fruit infected, nascent water immersed brown pitted brown spots, depressions often cracked, humidity In the middle of the lesion, pink sticky material was produced in the middle of the lesion, and when the lesion was severe, the lesion rotted.

Control methods - selection of disease-resistant seeds; seed warm sterilization; early onset of 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times, 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, or 80% anthrax 800 times Fumei spray, spray every 7-10 days once.

4. Bacterial angular spot: The disease is a disease of the middle and later stages of melons. It mainly occurs on the leaves. In the greenhouse watermelon field, the general diseased plant rate is about 25%, and the highest rate is 70%. The diseased leaf rate is about 10%. After the leaves became infected, the primary needlepoints were small and transparent spots. After the enlargement, there were yellowish spots with yellow halos. The center became brown or gray and the perforation was broken. When the humidity was high, the diseased part had milky white bacteria and overflowed pus.

Control methods - selection of disease-free seeds; seed temperature sterilization; early onset of the use of 13% solution of ammonia copper 300 times, 50% DT (cupric acid copper) WP 500 times, 77% can be obtained powder 400 times , Or 72% of Streptomycin WP wet spray 400 times, spray again every 7-10 days.

5. Powdery mildew: The disease mainly damages the leaves. In the early stage of disease, the leaves produce a white, nearly round, star-shaped small powder point. Four weeks later, they form a contiguous white powder with an inconspicuous edge. When it is severe, it covers the entire leaf and turns gray and black. Disease leaves yellow.

Control methods - gully pouring, sunny and timely release of wind, cloudy dampness, timely removal of old leaves to avoid field cover; early disease incidence 40% DuPont "Fuxing" EC 4 grams (1 bag), or 0116 Biological pesticide 150 times water spray.

VI. Viral diseases: There are mainly two types of mosaics and shrinkages. Specifically, the leaves on the top of the plant produce mosaics of dark and light mosaic leaves, and the leaves become smaller, curled, shrunken, deformed, and the early infection can not produce melons. Infected disease is small and deformed.

Control methods - do everything possible to reduce the temperature, increase the humidity within the shed; early removal of diseased plants to reduce the source of the virus. Disease prevention and control, from the seedling stage with 10% imidacloprid 1500 times, or 2,000 times 5% cypermethrin spray; early onset with 30% of the virus A500 times or 1.5% plant disease Ling 1000 times spray.

7. Root-knot nematode disease: In the early stage of the disease, there are small grains of rice in the main root and lateral roots, and the roots are swollen when severe, affecting the absorption of water and nutrients.

Control methods - selection of disease-free soil and fertilizer seedlings; diseased seedlings thrown away, not planting; soil treatment before planting, with 3% nematode lore 5 kg per acre, evenly spread in the planting trench and then transplanted seedlings. (4) Summer high temperature stuffy shed for more than 30 days; completely remove the sick body after pulling.

VIII. Trichosanthes: Chengyu and Ruoqiang like to suck sap at the growing point of melon seedlings, young leaves, the back of leaves, and tender stems, causing leaf curling not to be long, and can not pollinate even when the adult plants are seriously damaged, even leaves fall off. Secretion of honeydew affects the light and action and respiration, but it is also the main medium for transmitting viral diseases.

Method of prevention and control: Yellow plate inducement or silver gray reflective film flooding; use 1500 times of 10% imidacloprid, 800 times of 5% acetamiprid, or 2,000 times of 5% cypermethrin; spray the top with 80% of dichlorvos 1000 times, or The mu was smoked with 80% dichlorvos 300-400 ml mixed with water and fine sand.

9. Starscream: The nymphs and adults suck sap on the back of the leaves, causing the leaves to turn green and yellow and white, affecting the formation of light and products. In severe cases, the leaves are dry and cannot be pollinated, or even the entire plant dies.

Control methods - Winter crops are harvested after the autumn crops are harvested; after the summer crops are harvested, field weeds and stem vine leaves are completely removed and the source of the upper mites is eliminated. Before the autumn watermelon was planted, the whole field was drowning and the air humidity was increased. In the initial stage, 20% of konjac 1500 times or 1.8% of avermectin 3000 times was sprayed.

X. Fructus lycopida: In order to use adults and nymphs to suck sap from young leaves, tender tips, flowers, and young fruits of the melons, the young leaves of the damaged young leaves become harder and smaller, the plants grow slowly, the internodes shorten, and the young melons suffer hardening and hardening. Blackness, sluggish melons, rough skin, or even melons, the key is to seriously affect the yield and quality.

Control methods - In the early stages of the onset and the initial stage of the melons were sprayed with chrysanthemum pesticides 2000 times.

Eleventh, tea aphids: Chengyu and young cubs focus on the young part of the crops sucking harm, the back of the victim leaves grayish brown or brownish brown, with oily luster or oily, curled leaves edge down, victim tender stem, tender Twisted deformities, narrowed leaves, stiff erection, and finally baldness, severe plant dry top.

Control methods: Remove weeds and litter in the field; pay attention to regular ventilation and reduce the temperature in the shed; spray it with 2000% Chrysanthemum 2000 times, 20% konjac or 1.8% avermectin 3000 times.

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