
Watch out for the danger of dry hot wind in wheat

Dry hot air mainly occurs in the stage of wheat grain filling, which is the most serious hazard in the milk ripening period, and the occurrence of light damage is earlier or later. Dry hot air will damage the water balance and photosynthesis of the plant, affect grain filling and ripening, resulting in a significant decrease in grain weight, resulting in serious reduction of wheat production. According to the meteorological department's forecast, the temperature in May this year will be higher than normal, with less rainfall, and the occurrence of hot dry wind will increase. Production should be controlled by pouring slurry and wheat yellow water, spraying fertilizer and other measures to prevent the damage of wheat hot and dry wind.

Timely Watering Water and yellowish water are poured at the proper time before the dry hot air occurs to increase the humidity of the air and supplement the water so that the wheat matures earlier, and the danger of dry hot wind is prevented or mitigated. The grout water is poured in the early stage of wheat grouting, and the yellow wheat water is poured in the milk ripening period to the wax ripening stage. Barren land and sand land should not be flooded under strong winds and hot sun.

Spraying fertilizer fertilizer spraying fertilizer before the late growth of wheat and dry hot wind can regulate the metabolism of wheat, enhance the vitality of plants, and prevent the damage of dry hot wind. Spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate 250-300 times at the heading and flowering stage of wheat can increase the phosphorus and potassium content in the plant, enhance the water-holding capacity of the plant, and effectively prevent the damage of dry hot wind. Spraying 10% of turfgrass leaching solution in the booting or flowering stage of wheat can increase the photosynthetic intensity, improve the water-retaining and drought-resistance performance of leaves, promote the formation of spikes, and increase the number of grains per spike. In the wheat booting to filling stage, two 0.1% borax solutions can be sprayed. Spraying 0.1% calcium chloride solution at the beginning of wheat flowering and filling, each time using 50-70 kilograms of fertilizer solution per acre, can increase the ability of wheat leaf cells to absorb and retain water, reduce water transpiration, and increase the ability of plants to resist dry hot wind. In the early stages of wheat flowering and grouting, 20 mg/L Naphthylacetate solution is sprayed, and 50-70 kilograms of liquid per acre is used. The effect of defensive dry hot wind is good.

In addition, through the construction of farmland shelterbelts, selection of dry-hot wind-resistant wheat varieties, treatment of seeds with calcium chloride, application of organic fertilizers and phosphate fertilizers, appropriate control of nitrogen fertilizer application, deepening of the tillage layer and other measures, can also effectively reduce the damage of dry hot wind.

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