
The Problems and Countermeasures of Red Fuji Apple Tree Pruning

Red Fuji apple has become the apple's main cultivar. Due to the large cultivation area, there are many problems in production. Especially in trimming, it is often due to improper trimming, resulting in confusion of trees and branches, which not only delays the age of results, but also yields. Low, serious in size, affecting fruit quality. The main problems existing in production are summarized as follows:

One, excessive growth, small angle branches

Red Fuji apple saplings tend to grow more vigorously before results. Branches are thick and upright. The main branch angle is small, mostly within 50 degrees. If it is not corrected in time, due to the apical dominance, the upper shoots grow more prosperous, the competition branches, and prosperous. There are more and more long branches, and the bald area behind it is longer. There are very few middle and short branches, and flower buds cannot be formed. It is also impossible to produce timely results and high yields. This kind of tree grasps open the branch angle as soon as possible, can use pull, support, do not wait for method from May to June, open branch angle. If the base angle of the main branch is too small to be opened, the position may be changed appropriately. The branch with the right angle should be selected. The general angle should be 70-80 degrees. For the lower bare branches, if there is space, the light and short cuts can be made before the new shoots stop growing. That is, cutting the branches 1/5-1/4 can both weaken the growth potential of the shoots, and can also promote short shoots and use. the result.

Second, trim too heavy, dense branches

Red Fuji apples have strong hair branching characteristics, and can often draw 3-4 long branches under the excision, especially when the saplings grow vigorously. Each year if there are too many short cuts in one year, it will result in too dense branches. The overwhelming growth and the closed canopy affect the ventilation and ventilation. This type of tree should be mainly slow-moving, and gradually retract after waiting for the results of the branches. For some of the strong Wang branches and competing branches, some branches can also be removed according to space. In the bud, the branches are angled at 90 degrees, and then the ring cutting and girdling treatments are performed in late May. The width is about 1/10 of the thickness of the branches. The use of plastic film to wrap can not only ease the tree potential, but also form many long, medium and short branches. The second year can be a large number of results. If the branches do not continue to grow in space or have a certain influence on the growth of the main branch, the results can be removed from the base.

Generally, no more than 5 tree main branches are planted in the dense plantation garden, and the tree height is controlled to be less than 3 meters. If the tree crown is too high, the head can be retracted. Happy falling head should not be too hasty and usually takes 2-3 years to complete. It can also be used to pull down the falling head method. That is, after the new shoots stop growing in the autumn or before germinating in early spring, the central leader of the tree head is pulled to one side with a rope to reach 80-90 degrees. After germination, the back is wiped off in time. On the bud, this can also weaken the growth of the branches. Once the growth of the branches is eased, flower buds are easily formed, which increases the amount of plant results. Afterwards, depending on how much the branch results, attention should be paid to the hanging branches or branches, so as to prevent the results from being broken.

Third, tree imbalance

The top of the Red Fuji apple has a strong advantage. Due to improper trimming, it will cause the upper branch to be too straight and weak and strong. At this point, the excessively strong part of branches and auxiliary branches should be removed or compressed to reduce the amount of upper branches and leaves and weaken their growth potential. You can also use the curved dry method to change heads again and put more or less cuts on the branches, leaving more flowers and fruit, which can weaken the growth, increase the number of short branches, and increase production. For the lower branches, strong branches and branches can be reserved, and then some short branches can be appropriately shortened to promote branching and enhance vegetative growth.

There are also some trees, especially dwarf and densely planted trees, which often cause the central leadership to be weak due to improper trimming or some other reason. The phenomenon of weaker and weaker forces should be observed. Attention should be paid to not leading the central government or the weaker ones. Branches on the branches, to create excessive scars, can be used to divide the year or leave the pile method to remove the "card neck" auxiliary support, the main branch, the strong over the lower part of the strong Wang branch retraction, the first The main branch of the first floor can also be made of weak branches and weak shoots, and the branches on these branches should be put in long and short cuts to achieve the purpose of pressing the branches with fruit. For the second and third main branches, only strong branches and strong shoots can be selected as the head and the main branch can be

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