
Production of shrimp paste and its products

Shrimp paste is one of the traditional shrimp foods on the coast of China and Southeast Asia. Its rich nutrition and unique flavor are favored by diners at home and abroad. (-) Shrimp raw shrimp shrimp paste produced in several species of planktonic crustaceans, of which the main species are: (l) Chinese shrimp; (2) Japanese shrimp; (3) shrimp; (4) ditch shrimp. Shrimp paste production salt must comply with the national hygiene standards of washed edible salt. (B) shrimp production process Modern fermentation method is currently the most scientific production process. The process flow is as follows: the raw materials are washed and washed, the salt is added to the sauce, the temperature-controlled fermentation, the oil and the sauce are separated, and the packaging is sterilized. (c) Shrimp paste products Shrimp paste is generally about 30% salt, and can only be used as a condiment, with a small amount. Shrimp paste made from raw materials to prepare a series of relatively low-salt shrimp paste products, the scope of its food will be greatly expanded. Raw shrimp paste will also add value. Common shrimp paste products include shrimp paste beans, shrimp paste peanuts, assorted shrimp paste, spicy shrimp paste, soft and hard canned shrimp paste. Shrimp salt, shrimp pickles and so on. The summary is briefly described as follows. 1. Shrimp paste beans: Wash the beans and dry them, fry until ready to use. Heat the vegetable oil in a stainless steel steamer and add spices and shrimp paste. Soybeans and a certain proportion of water are boiled. Once the soybeans are fully swollen with water, they are quickly mixed with human flavors, antioxidants, and thickeners. The pans are then thoroughly mixed at 85°C. The pans are filled with boiling water or a glass bottle. Gas, seal (cover), sterilization, soft after cooling. Hard canned shrimp canned beans, general soft cans and hard cans have a shelf life of six months and one year respectively. 2. Spiced shrimp paste: Heat the peanut oil in an aluminum pan or stainless steel pan. Add spices and a small amount of chili powder to fry for a while. Then add shrimp paste. Stir fry until the prawn overflows. Add appropriate amount of water to dilute the salt to a tasty level. Add refined, umami agent, flavoring agent, stabilizer, and mix the ingredients and put them into a microwave oven to heat and exhaust the seal. Then re-sterilize it in the microwave until the bag bulges. 3. Shrimp salt: mix the dried shrimp paste, seaweed powder and edible salt in a 1:1:2 mixing machine on a Hwang Mixer, then press 100g/bag, bag on the filling and sealing machine, and then sterilize in a microwave oven. After cooling, it can be packed and shipped from the factory. The salt is a low-sodium, iodine- and moisture-proof, high shelf life type. 4. Shrimp paste cucumber: Wash the cucumber with clean water, immerse the whole shrimp in the brain for 20 days, and stir once a day. At that time, the shrimp paste in the shrimp oil is washed out, the shrimp paste is drained and sealed in a plastic bag, and microwave rapid sterilization is performed for 5 seconds.


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