
Leading manufacturer of "Pearl Motor Micro Motor" - Chopard

Rely on excellent watchmaking strength, the major brands in the watch industry to continue the development, such as the founder of Breguet Abraham-Louis Breguet since the development of the tourbillon after the rewrite the watch development, the undoubted strength of his watchmaking, so every wrist Behind the table brand has an exclusive loud technology. Chopard Chopin started from the production of jewelry, the latter began to invest in the field of watchmaking, in this important span of the process how to prove to everyone that their watchmaking power? Chopard successfully through the strong R & D team and technology out of the framework of boutique brands. Since 1996, Chopard set up LUC watch factory, just a few years to produce beautiful transcripts, the same year Chopard introduced LUC1.96 movement is the foundation of the series of movements, but also really let Chopin Wuhua top movement .

Chopard LUC 1.96 movement is the basis of the thin section of the movement, with a miniature micro-plate (Micro Motor) and double barrel automatic winding movement, after the revolution in the quartz watch, few watch factory introduced new self-made movement, not to mention Said to be common and rare micro-plate movement. Eccentric micro-automatic plate, also known as Pearl Tuo, compact design can reduce the thickness of the watch, but does not affect the watch on the chain. LUC 1.96 movement not only has a longer power reserve and a special winding structure, the Pearl Tuo 22K gold for the material, the appearance of the movement also reached a certain aesthetic, impressive, both inside and outside the characteristics. On the whole, Chopard is a leader in this technology by creating and using Pearl Tuo technology more than any other company in the industry. Recalling the use of this movement in 1997 LUC1860 watch was even more than the Swiss professional magazine Montre Passion selected as the annual situation table, opened the follow-up LUC series movement development success of the prelude.

This article is reproduced, does not represent the world position of million table.

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