
Four Preventions of Pollution-free Vegetable Pests and Diseases

1, urine wash mixture control method with detergent, urea, water ratio of 1:4:400 formulated as a water control vegetable aphids, not only the pest rate of 95%, but also has the effect of top dressing. 2, brown sugar liquid control law of brown sugar 300 grams add 500 grams of water, after fully dissolved, then add 10 grams of white yeast, placed in the greenhouse, stirring once a day, fermentation for 20 days, until the surface of the white film layer, and then This fermentation broth was mixed with 100 grams of rice vinegar and shochu, and 100 kg of water was added. It has good effect on the control of cucumber bacterial spot disease and the early phase of gray mold. Every 10 days, spray 4-5 times. 3, pumpkin leaf sap prevention and control method to take a small amount of water smashed pumpkin leaves, squeeze the original solution. With 2 parts of the original solution plus 3 parts of water, add a small amount of soap, stir and spray to prevent aphids. 4, rice vinegar prevention and control Solanaceous vegetables from the 2 days after planting every 7-10 days and even spray 3-5 times 300 times of vinegar, can prevent tomato, pepper virus infestation, cucumber flowering before fruiting acres with rice vinegar 500 grams of water plus 100 kilograms can be used to treat soft rot.

Fresh Broccoli

Chinese Broccoli,Organic Broccoli,Fresh Broccoli Flower

Shunwang Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. , http://www.qd-foods.com

