
Erythorbic Acid


1.1. Product Name: Erythorbic Acid
1.2. Description: Erythorbic Acid is a organic compound manufactured through chemical synthesis.
1.3. Chemical Formula: C6H8O6
1.4. Molecular weight: 176.12
1.5. CAS #: 89-65-6
1.6. EINECS #: 201-928-0
1.7. Manufactured by: Foodchem International Corporation, Shanghai China.
1.8. Supplied by: Foodchem International Corporation, Shanghai China.
1.9. Usage: In food as Antioxidants

2. Composition

2.1. Erythorbic Acid: 99.0 - 100.5%
2.2. Hazardous impurities: Arsenic ≤3PPM, Lead ≤5PPM, Heavy metal ≤10PPM

3. Physical/Chemical Characteristics

3.1. Physical State: Powder
3.2. Appearance: White odorless, crystalline powder or granules
3.3. Odor: Distinctive sugary odor
3.4. pH: 1.9-2.5 (10% solution)
3.5. Melting point/range: 164–172 °C (decomposes)
3.6. Boiling point: Not available
3.7. Bulk density: 0.704 g/cm3
3.8. Solubility: Soluble. (40 g/100 mL water)

4. Stability/Reactivity

4.1. Chemical Stability: Product is normally stable. Erythorbic Acid darkens on exposure to light.
4.2. Shelf Life: 24 months period
4.3. Hazardous decomposition: Carbon oxides (CO, CO2)
4.4. Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur
4.5. Incompatible with: Oxidizing agents.

5. Handling/Storage

5.1. Storage: Store in a cool and dry place and Keep away from strong light and heat
5.2. Handling precaution: Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the residue under a fume hood. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust.

6. Exposure Control

6.1. Engineering Controls: Safety shower and eye bath. Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations below their respective threshold limit value.
6.2. Respiratory protection: NIOSH/MSHA or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator
6.3. Eye Protection: Protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles
6.4. Skin Protection: Wear appropriate protective gloves and clothes to minimize skin contact.
6.5. Other: Consult professionals if Erythorbic Acid need to be handled under some special conditions.

7. Hazards Identification

7.1. Hazardous overview: Erythorbic Acid is Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation, skin contact, ingestion or eye contact.
7.2. Contact with eyes: May cause eye irritation.
7.3. Contact with skin: May cause skin irritation.
7.4. Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract.
7.5. Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation.
7.6. Other: Not Applicable

8. First Aid Measures

8.1. Contact with eyes: Flush immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical advice
8.2. Contact with skin: Wash the affected area with water, remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. Seek medical advice if irritation develops or persists.
8.3. Ingestion: Rinse mouth thoroughly with water and drink water afterwards.
8.4. Inhalation: Remove from exposure, move to fresh air and seek medical advice immediately.

- See more at: http://

Acid Base

Aluminium Hydroxide,Aluminium Bydroxide,Aluminum Hydroxide

Sanji Chemical Trade Co., Ltd. , http://www.lysjchemical.com

