
Distribution and growth and reproduction of red-bellied bream

a distribution
1 Domestic distribution: Domestically distributed in southeastern Tibet, eastwards to northern Yunnan, northeastern Guizhou, southern Gansu, southern Shaanxi, western Hunan, southwestern Hubei, northern Guangxi, western Sichuan and northern China.

2 Foreign distribution: Foreign countries are found in the northeastern parts of Assam, India, northern Myanmar, and northwestern Vietnam.

The living environment inhabits different types of vegetation such as mountain forests, shrubs, and bamboo forests at elevations of 1,000-3,500 m. Among them, 1500-2500 m of evergreen broad-leaved forests and coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests are most liked, and they sometimes reach an altitude of 3500 m. About the alpine shrubs and even bare rock areas.

Three growth breeding period from April to June. The breeding season usually begins in early April. During the estrus of the male, a pair of green and blue fleshy horns in the head kept inflating and inflating. They gradually extended and extended from the head. The blue meat in the lower part of the throat also gradually expanded and inflated. The markings on the head were like 'Shou'. Like, so the local people called it 'life chicken'. At this point, the males first strutted their heads and nodded their heads. After a short while, the pair of flesh horns and the two wings of the two wings fluttered slightly. The tail also began to fan, and the meat was inflated and inflated. Before jumping and dancing, the body is almost stiff when it reaches a climax. Then the meat and meat corners began to shrink, and the heads of the meat were collected under the item, and the flesh was slowly retracted until the next heat. The estruss of the females kept moving back and forth, and the wailing wa was heard. Usually when the male bird reaches the climax, it comes to the male, so the male immediately jumps to the female's back and uses his mouth to hold the female's feathers for mating.

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