
Construction waste brick making machine

Construction industry as one of the pillar industries of the national economy, nearly a hundred years has been the rapid development, which will inevitably produce large amounts of construction waste in the construction, use and demolition of buildings in the process.Currently, the number of construction waste has accounted for 30% to 40% of the total amount of municipal waste. Construction waste emissions have more than 400 million ton, including Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities in emissions are more than 30 million ton.The vast majority of untreated construction waste was shipped directly to the suburbs or the countryside using open dumps or landfills way deal, while piling up and you need to consume a large amount of land landfill, garbage removal and other construction investment, while removal and stacking process or scatter and dust has aggravated environmental pollution.In the modern city toward industrialization and urbanization development today, a lot of construction waste generated is threatening the natural environment for human survival. Developed to address the problem earlier on a series of fruitful research and practice, proven to achieve construction waste recycling is effectively solve the social problems of the recipe.But so far, China's construction waste resource related work is lagging behind, thus to society, the environment and resources to bring a variety of adverse effects.
1.Technical aspects
Feasibility of construction waste as a raw material, including sand brick, wood, decorative tiles, soil and other miscellaneous waste any impact on product performance through research and analysis with relevant departments and experts believe that:? First, as long as careful handling of raw materials and strict management, entirely feasible; second, domestic equipment manufacturers can provide specialized equipment and production technology in September 2006 by the provincial scientific and technological achievements, the technology and processes leading domestic level.
2.Product performance
Construction waste brick product performance depends on the characteristics of raw materials and forming machinery of the product by the national quality inspection center wall and roof materials testing, its brick and standard bricks conform JC943-2004 "concrete brick" and NY/T671-2003 "ordinary concrete bricks and decorative bricks" standards, and no radioactivity. In addition, the structure of the performance of this product is between sintered products and non-sintered products, bulk density and water absorption than ordinary concrete slabs, shrinkage resistance and thermal conductivity is smaller than the average concrete products.
3.Comprehensive benefits
As the main raw material transportation cost is not required, it will be costing a lot in profit margins, plus value-added tax, income tax and maintenance fee relief for businesses, will undoubtedly increase greater market competitiveness, economic benefit. In addition, social and environmental benefits are very obvious.
First, determine the market demand for space generation and construction waste, then we can decide the scale of production, construction land. If the construction of small-scale, social, environmental and economic benefits not obvious. Therefore, the project must gain the support of the government and relevant departments, and lay a solid foundation for building applications to achieve better product.
5.production technology

6.Ratio of raw materials
(1)Select the cementitious material
Initially considered is three materials: cement matrix cement, lime, gypsum. These involve not only the performance of cementitious materials products. Also affects the production costs. Through comprehensive analysis, the final choice of cement.
(2)The particle size distribution of raw materials
The ratio of raw materials, it is required in the construction waste soil composition (particle diameter of 5mm ~ 10mm) of not more than 3%, of coarse particles (particle diameter of 3mm ~ 5mm) not more than 30% of fine particles (diameter of 0.5mm ~ 3mm) not more than 30%, the powder (particle diameter of 0.5mm or less) not exceeding 30%. If too much powder, it will affect the strength, shrinkage is large, it is not easy molding; If fine particles excessive body of water can not be discharged.
(3)Mixing a quantity of fly ash
Production of new wall materials of construction waste, the main ingredient is construction waste. In order to improve the strength of the latter products, need some siliceous material, fly ash silica content of about 50%, and the ash is also solid waste. Therefore, fly ash is generally controlled at about 10%.
(4)Shaping and molding pressure water
In forming the body, the size of the water body and a molding pressure of critical water which affect strength of the molded article is generally 11% to 13% of each block forming a molding pressure to 50, for example, the choice of hydraulic vibration 180kN equipment.

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