
"Ecological Classics" of fermented organic fertilizer in Zhejiang Tongxiang

Zhejiang Online July 07 (Zhejiang Daily reporter Chen Peihua) At noon, at the Xinkai Riverside in Chongfu Town, Tongxiang City, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, Fan Jianliang and his four workers at the vegetable base are collecting rubbish from the river. Simple classification - white plastic bags, beer bottles, etc. are transported to nearby garbage sites, and algae duckweed etc. are spread in the vegetable fields, and they are turned into fertilizer by high temperature fermentation.
In the past two years, the pesticide and fertilizer residues used for planting crops flowed into rivers along with rainwater or groundwater. After the rectification of clean river water, eutrophication became increasingly serious. Along with the accumulation of domestic garbage by nearby villagers, the rivers became a “garbage river”. ". Understand the reasons for river pollution, but also to provide the market with green, pollution-free agricultural products, the old fan made a bold decision - a comprehensive ecological planting: home fertilizer, he used organic fertilizer; household pest control insects, He uses insect nets, insecticidal lamps, and highly efficient and low-toxic biological pesticides. Fermented organic fertilizer raw materials come from nearby chicken farms and pig farms, which indirectly reduces the pollution caused by the aquaculture sewage discharged into the river.
As a result, the product quality is high and pollution of the river is reduced, but the cost has gone up. One solar energy insecticide lamp will cost 1,600 yuan, and 126 old farm products will be installed. Old Fan said that this would be worth the cost of pesticides for several years. However, Lao Fan felt that this input value: "In order to make consumers eat safe, rest assured, more ecological, to save the irrigation of our vegetable farmers' lifeline."

According to the above information, fermenting algae duckweed and animal excreta and other wastes with organic fertilizers is an effective way to effectively improve the direct environmental pollution caused by rubbish, and it has also been fermented through the fermentation process of golden treasure organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers produced from wastes have many advantages in applying them to farmland, and are specifically expressed in the following aspects:

1, promote disease resistance.

During the fermentation process of organic materials, along with the rapid propagation of microorganisms and a series of complex biochemical reaction processes, microorganisms will produce a large number of special metabolic substances (eg, enzymes, hormones, antibiotics, not foreign chemical hormone antibiotics) during reproduction. There are only benefits but no side effects. Among them, hormones can stimulate the rapid growth and development of crops; and antibiotics can significantly inhibit the spread of soil-borne pathogens and improve crop disease resistance and stress resistance. The crude organic fertilizer that is not fermented does not only lack these advantages. Instead, it has its own pathogenic bacteria and becomes the main source of infection for spreading crop diseases.

2, fertilizer effect is good.

Since the general material production cycle is only 3 to 7 days, the loss of nutrients in organic materials is avoided as much as possible. In addition to the role of microorganisms, it is difficult for some crops to absorb and use materials (such as insoluble phospho-potassium minerals) and fibers. The conversion of lignin into readily available nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by crops is much better than non-fermentation.

3, use safety.

Because the organic materials in the fermentation process have been completely decomposed, there will be no "secondary fermentation", "root burning" and "burning" phenomena when applied to the ground. It is very safe to use.

4, easy to use.

Organic Fermented Fermented Fermented Fermented Fermented Fermented Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation Fermentation The defects such as stickiness and odor have been completely changed, greatly improving the working environment of the applicators.

5, increase the utilization of chemical fertilizers.

The rapid proliferation of functional bacteria in the fermentation process can play a role in fixation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in particular, the fixed and wasted phosphorus and potassium elements are reused by microorganisms (the utilization of fertilizer is only 30%, The other 70% is leaked, fixed or lost, greatly increasing the utilization of fertilizers by crops and reducing costs.

6, fertility and fertility.

The rich organic matter and beneficial microorganisms in the fermented organic fertilizer can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, greatly improving the microecological environment of the soil, enhancing the soil permeability and soil water retention and fertility performance, so that the soil has a sustainable increase in production and income. potential.

7, improve the quality of agricultural products.

After fully decomposing organic manure, full of nutrients, and a variety of biological activities, after application, it can significantly improve the quality of agricultural products and produce truly pollution-free green food, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing production and increasing income. These are unmatched by chemical fertilizers. . Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. telephone toll-free hotline

Recommended reading:
1. Efficient Fermented Chicken Manure Organic Fertilizer
2. How to choose organic fertilizer starter?

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