
Chestnut pest control method

(I) Disease Prevention
1. Blight disease Blight disease, also known as chestnut blight, chestnut blight, chestnut skin disease, fungal disease. Pathogens mostly invade from wounds, which are mainly harmful to trunks and branches. They are difficult to find in the initial stage. The bark is used to scrape the bark lightly. Small red-brown spots can be seen. After the spots are lumpy, the surface of the bark is foamy, soft and rot inside the cortex. , sap, with a taste of alcohol, gradually shrinking, the latter slightly swollen diseased body into a spindle-shaped, bark cracking or loss, affecting growth, severe cases withered. Blight disease is spread by rain, birds and insects. It is mainly invaded by all kinds of wounds, especially the interface of marriage.
Control methods: 1 Strengthen fertilizer and water management and increase tree vigor. 2 Cut off the diseased branches and remove the source of infection. 3 Avoid damaging the bark of humans and animals to reduce the wound. 4 winter trunk white protection. 5 In the first half of April and the middle of June, scrape the bark of the lesion and apply 10 times sodium carbonate solution once. The cure rate can reach 96%. Can also be painted with 50% carbendazim or 50% thiophanate 400-500 times, or 5 Baume degrees of lime sulfur, or 50% of 500 times. The scraped bark must be burned.
2. Powdery Mildew Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that mainly affects seedlings and saplings. The young shoots of the affected plants are curled, yellowed, scorched, and shed, which seriously affects growth. The yellow leaves appeared at the beginning of the damaged young leaves, and the white and powdery mildew layer appeared on the leaves of the leaves. In the autumn, many needle-like and early yellow-brown colors appeared on the white powder layer and turned into dark brown small particles, which were the closed cysts of pathogenic bacteria. Overwintering on the defoliation of pathogenic bacteria, spread by air flow in March-April.
Control methods: 1 Remove fallen leaves and burn in winter to reduce the source of the disease. During the onset of the disease, spray 0.2-0.3 Baume of lime sulfur, or Bordeaux 0.5:1:100 to 1:1:100, or 50% TB 1000. 3 to strengthen the cultivation and management, enhance disease resistance.
3. Chestnut rust Chestnut rust is a fungal disease that mainly damages seedlings and causes early defoliation. The damaged leaves of the rust and spores of yellow or brown bubble spots on the leaves of the victim's leaves, and yellow spores were scattered after the rupture. The teliospore is brown, waxy and does not break.
Control methods: clear leaves in winter to reduce the source of disease. A 1 : 1 : 100 Bordeaux mixture was sprayed prior to the onset of the disease.
(B) Pest Control
1. Chestnut beetle is also known as the chestnut peak, adult head and abdomen dark brown, antennae filamentous, brown, chest enlargement, black paint, from June to July lay eggs in the bud, larvae grow in the bud Wintering. The spring buds sprouted short stems, damaged limbs or petioles, etc. Inflated adult bugs (tumors) caused the branches and leaves to die and the trees to weaken, seriously affecting the growth and results of the year and the following year.
Control methods: 1 In winter, the weak branches and the branches of the pests are cut off and burned to eliminate overwintering larvae. 2 Protect natural enemies and jump wasps. 3 Before and after the emergence of adult eclosion (June-July) spray 40% omethoate 1000 times; or in early April (branch buds reddening without opening) on ​​the branches dry brushing 40% synergistic omethoate, Approximately 10 cm thick branches can be used to scrape off the cork layer on a 30 cm half-ring, and apply about 10 ml of the liquid.
2. Cloudy longhorn beetle Adult beetle dark brown, pronotum with 2 white spots, larval pronotum "mountain" shaped brown spots. Major damage to the branches, resulting in dead branches, affecting tree vigor.
Control methods: 15 to 7 months to kill adult before laying eggs. The stem egg and newly hatched larvae were scraped in 26-July. 3 Use steel wire to kill the larvae that have fallen into the trunk. 4 Inject 80% of dichlorvos 100 times from the wormholes or use a cotton ball to dip 50% phosphamide (or 50% of the safrole) 40 times in the wormhole.
3. Red-spotted moth, red-winged moth, red-spotted moth, adult body color like a bumble bee, female adult yellow abdomen, reddish purple waist, transparent membranous wing, brown hairy plexus on the leg, in vitro silk, insect feces, sawdust Spinning Dong insects. The larvae overwintered under the branchial cortex and began to move in April of the following year. From late August to late September, the adult eclosion stage spawned on trunk cracks or worms in the tree trunk, which was the most abundant on the 10-70 cm above the trunk. The main damage to the trunk, the main branch of the bast, the tumor-like uplift at the victim, the cortical warts, scars prolonged unhealed, severe tree dead.
Control methods: 1 adult hairy stem spray 80% dichlorvos 1000 times, killing adults and newly hatched larvae. 2 Find insects and feces to scrape larvae. 380% of dichlorvos plus 30 parts of kerosene coated the trunk.
4. Chestnut Weevil Welch Weevlactyla adults are small, black or dark brown, 7-9 mm long, and slender. Larvae are spindle-shaped, milky white. The larvae eat the seed kernels, and about 10 days after harvesting, the larvae are mature and drilled chestnuts for wintering.
Control methods: 1 Adult active canopy spraying 90% trichlorfon or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times. 2 fumigated chestnut fruit. Under confined conditions, each cubic meter of chestnut fruit is fumigated with 2.5-3.5 grams of methyl bromide for 24-48 hours, or with 30 milliliters of carbon disulfide for 20 hours to kill pests without affecting germination. 3 chestnut fruit temperature and hot water immerse larvae. When immersed in warm water of 50-55°C for 15-30 minutes, or immersed in hot water of 90°C for 10-30 seconds, the insecticidal rate can reach more than 90% and does not affect the germination force.
5. Myzus persicae also known as Peach peach fruit moth, fruit spot moth moth, etc., adult bright yellow, abdomen back and side with rows of dark spots. The larvae overwintered in the bark cracks or dried larvae, and lay eggs in the total pupa approximately eight months after emergence into adult worms. After hatching, the larvae entered the stalks from the total stalk, often causing serious fruit drop. Only a few old larvae enter the chestnut fruit during the growth of the chestnut, but after harvesting a large number of foraging, often the chestnut fruit is hollowed out, and the insect feces and filaments adhere to each other, so that the unopened chestnut fruit loses its food value. .
Control methods: 1 The larvae sprayed 80% of dichlorvos 1000 times during the incubation period. 2 The shellfish shall be removed from the shell in a timely manner within 5-6 days to reduce the hazard. 3 After frustration, use carbon disulfide to fumigate the total cockroach, or use 90% trichlorfon to dip 100% of the liquid to soak the total cocoon.
6. Red spider mites Red spiders attack the foliage with adults and nymphs, causing the affected leaves to appear as pale dots, and finally as yellow-brown scorch and early leaves. It hatches on the back of its branches with eggs, hatches from late April to mid-May, and occurs from mid-May to early July.
Control methods: 1 During the occurrence of crown spray dicofol 800-1000 times, or 40% dimethoate 1000 times. In the middle of 25th month, the trunk was coated with chemicals, and a 10 cm ring was scraped at the base of the trunk (only the rough skin was scratched and the tender skin was slightly exposed), and 40% dimethoate 1-10 times or 50% monocrotophos 1-20 times was applied. The liquid was slightly dried and then painted one time. After drying, it was wrapped with a plastic film.
7. The red-footed green beetle The red-footed green beetle is also called the betel-green beetle. Adults endanger the tender shoots and inflorescences of young leaves and often eat the leaves into a net shape. The larvae bite the root system, causing the tree to weaken and even die. The larvae lived in the soil during the winter and emerged from late April to early May. The period from June to July was the period of adult emergence.
Control methods: 1 poisoning larvae. Use 3% carbofuran to spread evenly over 1-1.5 kilograms per acre, or cover with 50% phoxim 1000 times. 2 Adults sprayed 90% trichlorfon 1500 times or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times in the evening. 3 Shake off in the morning or evening. 4 Lights seduce at night.
8. The big bag moth Pouch moth larvae are hidden in the bag, stand on the leaf surface or hung on the back of the leaf, eat leaves, eat strongly, and often eat the leaves of the whole tree.
Control methods: 1 canopy spray 90% trichlorfon 800-1500 times liquid. 2 Remove insect bags.

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