
Computer Stripping Machine Works

Computer stripping machine works; microcomputer technology to deliver the wire by controlling the line round, qualifying round, and by controlling the turret assembly to complete the tangent and stripping. And each member Main Features:
1.Qualifying round: transportation stripping wire and outlet end;
2.Into the line wheel lash adjuster wheel: Adjust the line wheel gap, the gap is reduced to a small rotating, to a large gap increases;
3.The catheter assembly: wire from the feed line to the turret wheel assembly, ensure wire catheter straight, easy road to prevent the wire
4.The line wheel: transportation stripping wire and outlet headers;
5.Turret assembly: wire cutting, stripping stripping head and tail;

6.Qualifying round lash adjuster wheel: adjust qualifying round gap, to a large rotating gap increases, reduced to a small gap.

Wire Stripping Machine

Wire comes out the back of the machine with a cut down the center of the wire or cable,

peel or strip the insulation off,so separate copper or aluminium parts from electric cables' sheath.

We come up with this wire stripper that is fast and user friendly.

This wire stripper will cut 90 % of your time in stripping your wire.

hand held wire stripper

We supply Wire Stripping Machines such as Adjustable Wire Strippers, Scrap Wire Stripper machines and so on.

An environmentally safe way to remove wire insulation,

Designed for Electricians, Demolition Companies, Supply Houses, and Recyclers.

This wire stripper is a bench mounted machine that grips the wire from one side

and cuts and removes the insulation from the other simultaneously.

Recycle the copper and aluminum wires.

Wire Stripping Machines

Scrap Wire Stripping Machine, Scrap Cable Stripping Machine,Strip Wire Machine,Adjustable Wire Strippers,Scrap Wire Stripper Machine‎


